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Everything posted by Yodo

  1. Thank you
  2. http://i.imgur.com/uBAGqoA.jpg Every master did know, that connection to the nature was the most important to maintain own harmony and balance. Nowadays, most of the teaching is only technics and the Qi itself is "magic". Lets think for example reiki. When you hurt our knee when you were kid, what did you do: without thinking, by instinct? You started to rub the hurted place with your hand. You did reiki, it is perfectly natural. But so many teachers want to mystify these things in order to get money and get status. So the Qi itself isnt any more magic than electricity is. The problem is, we lose harmony couse we dont trust anymore nature and we try to live with our brains: not listening anymore the higher energies and vibrations like intuition. ]:[ When we have connection to nature, in our homes also, we are part of the Qi flow on this planet. It is not a force of violence but it is a force of feather and butterflies. Many seek big muscles and high kicks. But fail to seek the true depths and victory inside your heart and mind. ]:[ Without nature, we are just ghosts in a shell: robots who can do things but the meaning for things is missing. Well, here is my small indoors garden. I hope to engourage people to plant some seeds and learn also the very small energies in this planet, instead of managing big powers. Often it is, that the smallest thing causes the greatest effect. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.576762049078602.1073741843.100002344360995&type=3
  3. As far as I understand, every move in kata includes hundreds of hidden moves. The kata was just the default setup, which then would be configured with teacher and student into full setup.
  4. Thank you
  5. As this horse year in chinese calendar, me and my dear friend Sisu would like to greet all of the internets with great love & unity for all the living beings on this planet. http://i.imgur.com/ckDjDHb.jpg My name is Henri. I like to control vibrations: in making music or in controlling vibrations like in Thai Chi. My work here in this planet is named the White Tiger of the West, or Pahana: there is many names to this work. My hobby is gardening.
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