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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Albany, NY

AlbanyDude's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Where do you study kyokushin? The Castleton dojo? I study Seido in East Greenbush/Defreestville. OSU! Yup, that's the place. Our respective dojos are pretty close! I just started up 3 months ago after a 14 year hiatus. Your dojo and the one I joined were my top 2 dojos to visit when I was looking around. I heard some very good things about your dojo from some people who's opinion I highly respect. Sadly, I didn't even visit yours because I couldn't make any of the Kyokushin adult class times. You're something like Mon, Tues, Thurs 7:30-8:30. The days and/or times your dojo is open are the days I can't train. I figure why visit it and risk falling in love with it if I have no chance in enrolling. If I can't even get to visit during one of your class times, there's no way I can train. It's all good though. I found the perfect fit for me where I am. Couldn't be much happier. I really would have loved to mix it up kyokushin-style on a regular basis though. OSU! Hi! I've had to do some negotiating where I work to get an IT "out of hours work" window that wasn't 5:00-7:00 a.m. Wednesday or Friday. I'd go to class, burn off a ton of energy, get four hours sleep, and show up early to do something that took concentration. I was kinda useless on those mornings I'd trained under three of the senseis at my current school ten years ago at a dojo on Broadway in Menands, which no longer exists. A friend joined the Castleton Kyokushin place with me this past January, and I'm enjoying it a ton. Glad to hear you found a place that works! Not training is a real drag. OSU!
  2. Where do you study kyokushin? The Castleton dojo? I study Seido in East Greenbush/Defreestville. OSU! Yup, that's the place. Our respective dojos are pretty close!
  3. Don't worry about being short. I take Kyokushin, and like many styles we're not allowed to punch to the head. That makes sparring with someone shorter difficult, since I have to reach down and out to hit, putting myself in harm's way to do so.
  4. Kyokushin. Many years ago, a coworker who trained in Shotokan showed me the "The Fighting Black Kings" movie. I was instantly hooked.
  5. Thanks! I will have to improve blocking... and punching... and kicking...
  6. I have four senseis, and I sparred with each. Got some great "Kyokushin tattoos"!
  7. ... and passed! One belt down, four to go. Definitely the most active two hours I've spent in years!
  8. In NYS there is no legal definition of what constitutes a "dangerous knife". If I could be arrested for it, I assume it's illegal to carry.
  9. Here in New York nothing is legal to carry, unless you have a concealed pistol permit. There is no specification on the length of a knife you can carry, so any knife, and anything else you mentioned, is illegal for carry here.
  10. If you make one from a pattern, or have it made custom, make sure all your seams are triple stitched so it'll last through a vigorous class!
  11. It's something I wanted to try since I was young, and want to do it now for self defense and for fitness (I'm way out of shape).
  12. Thanks for the info, and I'm going to check out that "The Way of Kata" book. At this point, as a white belt, I know about zilch. That being said, what I did pick up on pretty quick in class was that my time spent blocking leads to their time relentlessly hitting. I just needed a place to start understanding why that is, and how I can better apply what I'm learning.
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