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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Matsumura Shorin Ryu, Goju Ryu, Isshin Ryu, Iaido, Kobudo, Judo, Kenpo, Hapkido
  • Location
  • Occupation
    engineer and estimator

shogoshin's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Devil dog, Humility is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. I know this all to well. No harm done you just did not have all the facts. Don't worry about it. We'll be talking soon and I'll fill in the blanks. Believe it or not you'll be playing an active role in this but as I said not over a public forum. Call sensei and then give me call. I'm in northern my near Cincinnati.
  2. I understand and have no issue with you talking directly with sensei. In fact I wish you would. It would dispel a lot of your fears. Just to set the record straight. I turned down promotions for my own personal reasons. Sensei understands and accepts these reasons so I hope you will give me the respect he gives me and not hold this against me. I did not fail promotions nor did I do anything to warrant being denied promotion. Quite the opposite. Sensei wanted to promote me several times over but I did not feel deserving for my own reasons. As far as my time off from teaching goes that was a personal decision as well and had sensei's blessing. I understand your feelings and acknowledge them. I only ask that you do not harbor ill feelings towards me for decisions I have made out of what I thought was the right thing to do at the time or for what sensei does or doesn't do now. I have little control over his mind or what he wants to do with the organization. Only he can make those decisions. I am more than glad to discuss this with you after you talk to sensei. And I do not feel that you are disrespecting me. I would probably feel the same way. However there are also things you don't know. Please call sensei before making snap judgments and getting other instructors upset. At least do that.
  3. devil dog, I believe you are referring to me in this forum. I can understand your issues with this and agree with a lot of what you say. I have discussed this with sensei several times and if you would return my calls you would know what was going on. Out of respect for you and sensei I will refrain from going into any details and do not wish to air dirty laundry over a public forum. Suffice it to say that there will be changes within the organization due to sensei retiring. If you would call me back I can explain what those changes will be. And just to ease your mind, with much respect for our organization and the instructors under it I turned down successorship. Now please contact me so we can discuss this or contact sensei directly as he is worried that you and others have the wrong idea. Sensei Ken
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