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Everything posted by mikelw

  1. No, he isn't, i've talked to him over AOL instant messenger, and he hasn't started yet. So don't take what he says too seriously .
  2. "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step" Lao Tzu
  3. Hey martialgirl, Do you plan on coming in to check it out (a better question is, do you live in the seattle area). i'm there basically 5 days a week.
  4. WOOHOO! Yeah, i do that style, and i Do it at MINAKAMI KARATE DOJO in Lake City, Washington. There's also one in Bellevue, and Sweden. Shihan Minakami is a great teacher, and internationally recognized. But yeah, i train there. I'm a 4th kyu greenbelt. MKD (minakami karate dojo) does a pretty good amount of kata. Most of the training comes from Kata, practice of basics, footwork practice, partner drills (lots of this) and kumite. When we spar, it's usually free sparring, and usually not point sparring. We only point spar before tournaments to get used to it.
  5. Who says that we have to keep any style exactly what it was intended for? You? Everyone has their own opinions and views about martial arts. If we didn't, there wouldn't be as many MAs as there are today. So don't ocme in here and say that we have to learn Karate only to be able to fight well. Yes that's why I am in it, but i know lots of people that are in MA to be in better shape and just to simply keep active. I'm sure you are a very good fighter and would probably be able to kick my ass( I am a yellow belt in karate), but that still doesn't give you the right to tell us that we suck at what we do and why we do it. What is your style anyway? Now, whatever I say to you will probably not affect YOU because you will probably always hate on Karate, but hopefully this will be able to show people your ignorance in your own post. Just thought I should add this: Ninja Master joined KarateForums on the 17th. That's today! This is his 1st and only post on Karate Forums. Sounds to me like Ninja is just a basher. Also, why is it relevant that today is his first day on karate forums.com?? For all YOU (Mr. Yellowbelt) know, he's been studying martial arts since before you were born. Think about that
  6. What's wrong with you guys? Ninja is right. We ARE studying the art of WAR, and yes, those who studied the arts of war WERE warriors. He's also right about the fact that karate was created for ONE REASON, unarmed self defense. The fact that it makes you a better person is a secondary benefit. And don't anyone say (about me) "that guy doesn't know what he's talkin about, he doesn't even do martial arts" cuz i've been studying shito ryu karate for ten years.
  7. Hey, have you ever heard of a man named Masutatsu Oyama?? He was the founder of Kyukoshinkai karate and basically. . . he kicked ass. The guy did exhibition matches with Anyone (including heavyweight boxing champs and grapplers) and. . . he kicked their asses. he also killed a bull with his hands. Point is, if you're strong enough, fast enough, and skilled enough at stand up fighting, unless you want to go the ground, you're not going to.
  8. A BJJist would beat a karate ka? I figure if each artist was equally skilled, the Bjj guy woudl get his ass kicked. All those guys do is go to the ground (until the erally high ranks). YOU ALL EAT BALL% just kidding!
  9. Almost all karate is mostly Hard. But remember there is no go without ju, or ju without go. (go is hard, and ju is soft).
  10. I would pick #1. I say this because traditional styles generally tend to teach brutal techniques that are not taught in the simple punch/kick arts (no disrespect intended).
  11. i was about to say somethng stupid so i just deleted it.
  12. Karate isn't shown on tv in the olympics because karate is not an olympic sport! I think it should be though.
  13. Um, most martial arts schools do hand conditioning. Toughening of the hand and knuckles. This means that when i punch someone's face, they get hurt and not me. If your hands are properly conditioned you are not going to break your hand.
  14. Hey kyu, i've got some news for you. You said that you don't want to use some "flashy" karate technique that only works nine out of ten times. No one technique will work every time on every person. Karate works very well for self defense IF you know how to use it. Self defense courses are generally very basic techniques such as elbows and kicks to the groin (which again, dont' always work). Karate gives you a huge repetoir to choose from when dealing with an attacker.
  15. Trust me, karate works, and damn well too. About 3 months ago i was waiting @ the bus stop to go home from karate (it was like 9pm) 2 black teenagers approached me and said "give us your money" I refused, one guy grabbed me, i broke his grip, and threw him down with a jointlock (which broke his wrist). The other guy threw a wild haymaker, i blocked it and front kicked him hard in the stomach (i think it hit his solar plexus cuz he was gasping for air when he was down). I then proceeded to run my ass off!
  16. Was anyone at the Yakima karate tournament today? If you were tell me what divisions you compted in. I compteted in intermediate 14-16 year old boys and took first place (my first tournament!) and i placed fifth in 14-16 year old boys intermediate kata.
  17. The advantage is that if you have unconditioned knuckles, that you don't break your hand when hitting someone.
  18. Henry, It has been my dream to do what you are going to do. Please tell me how you arranged for yourself to join a shaolin temple. It would mean the world to me if i coudl do the same.
  19. Hey man i knwo what u mean. One time a friend and myself walked out of our dojo still wearing our Gi's (not smart). We were confronted by two 15 year old boys (we are 16 by the way, but have been training for like 2 years each and we would have kicked the snot outa the kids). They wanted to fight us just because we were martial artists. Don't tell people you do karate, it invites trouble. Oh yeah, karate only helps you lose weight if you have a good diet. I didn't lose much weight from karate but my endurance has increased threefold.
  20. It depends on your skill and physical strength/speed. But most yellow belts (from what i've seen) without fighting experience don't fight very well.
  21. 4th Kyu Greenbelt shito-ryu karate. P.S. Is anyone else goin to the Internaitonal championships in Sweden? I train at the Minakami Karate Dojo in seattle under Shihan Akio Minakami (8th dan).
  22. Don't give advice about what you don't understand. Certain styles teach slightly different techniques and stances. You don't need to be in a low stance to throw a hard reverse punch. This is to Shotochem by the way, the bluebelt who is critiquing a stance he probably learned a couple weeks ago. By the way i'm a 4th kyu greenbelt in shito ryu. How do i get it to show that i'm a greenbelt (i'm new to this forum)
  23. actually, the old karate masters would strike with about 750 kg/cm2 which is way more than ur little pal.
  24. Gyaku zuki OWNZ~!!!!! Yeah its easily my best move, and i've put people down with a reverse punch to the solar plexus or sternum. but ya reverse punch is great IMO. by the way my belt color is green~!
  25. We always step in with our left foot before beginning basics. How do i get it to show my belt color! AAHH what is that white belt by my name! I am a 4th kyu greenbelt. How do i get it to show my real belt color.
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