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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan, Judo
  • Location
    UK, Lancashire

Saveloy's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I've only just started Iaido in January, but will offer what knowledge I have gained so far. The style we study at our Dojo is Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. We are in Seiza a fair bit and fortunately permitted to wear knee pads (cheating I know). The first five forms in our school are Mae, Migi, Hidari, Ushiro & Yae Gaki which traditionally all start from Seiza. We do perform these from standing sometimes, but it is not the norm. For what it is worth, I struggle more with my instep and toes rather than the knees as my feet have high arches and clawed toe (stretching helps). It's an amazing art, beautiful to watch and well worth try it if your able to. I would discuss these issues with your would be Sensei before starting. Good luck with your endeavors.
  2. Just to conclude, I ended up getting the red trim stitched on to a plain Karate Gi, done by my ever helpful wife. By chance today though, I checked the usual UK MA supplier websites again, as my son could do with a second Dobok and noticed Playwell are now selling them. I logged on KF to update my post and noticed Wagnerk posted that they now stock them too, talk about coincidence! Thanks again for all the help.
  3. Thanks for the replies people, I haven’t been entirely truthful with you guys, without going into too much detail; the Instructor is splitting away from his original instructor which is way he is having difficulty obtaining one. Anywho, I will look into importing from either awma.com or moosoolsa.
  4. Yeah, there is the option of sewing on the trim if I can't find a pre-trimmed one.
  5. My son has taken up Tang Soo Do again after a two year break and needs a red trimmed Dobok (size 5 - 180cm). His instructor can’t get hold of any and I have searched the usual UK martial arts web sites too. Does anyone here know of any UK suppliers I may have missed or failing that, have experience of importing a Dobok to the UK from the USA?
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