Couple years ago I relocated country (yes, big change!) and thought I would be temporarily be putting a pause on my Shotokan training. Being a new shodan at the time, I figured I could just pick karate back up again when life "settled" a bit. Well, a further 2-3 years have passed and only now is life calm enough to really pick it back up again. We just moved (again) across the country to the East coast U.S. where we have been for a few months and plan to stay in the area for a good while. I have retained an acceptable fitness level with twice weekly jogging and twice weekly weight training, and am currently working on my flexibility to try and get it to former standards. So I figured I should find a good club to train at. I immediately found a karate club with a very nice, down to earth instructor. However, the club is Shito-Ryu, not Shotokan. I'm not picky about styles and the sensei seems spot on. From our conversation, it sounded like he is going to honour my black belt in his club, but I did explain that I have forgotten a huge amount of katas (most of them!) and although I am in reasonable shape, my technique needs a lot of work and I am going to feel like a total fraud of a 1st Dan for a little while until I can get back up to speed! I am joining in my first class on Monday, plain clothes, then again Thurs in gi with belt. What can I do to help myself not look like an idiot?! I was thinking of humbly asking to join the lower grades for a short while and work my way through the syllabus from scratch until I remember everything. I just don't know if there's any way I could join in with the brown and black belt training without looking like a complete turd at this point. Maybe this is just me being paranoid? What would you do? Thanks for any constructive responses!