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Everything posted by Joebloggs

  1. Just a quick update on where I am up to. I have visited a couple of clubs and I am thinking that Shukokai may be a bit easier on my joints, from what I have noticed the stances look higher, if anybody has experienced any injuries do you have any tips for somebody just starting out? I have just read Karate a way of life by Gichin Funakoshi, does anybody have any recommendations upon any good Karate books?
  2. Thanks ShotokanGage, I am very local to Hazel Grove and Bramhall, just down the road in Wilmslow. Thanks for the offer, you clubs website looks very good and your instructors credentials are equally impressive. There are so many good clubs in the area so I will start visiting them and may bump into you at some point. JB.
  3. Thanks again everybody. From the feedback provided and my internet search there appears to be a strong pedigree of instructors dating back to the 1960’s, as mentioned previously I am sure how the style is taught makes all the difference. I feel this is going to be an interesting journey. JB.
  4. Harkon and Wagnerk, Thanks, I will look into both Cobra and Garry Harford. I live near Stockport and have noticed there are predominately Shotokan and Shukokai clubs within the area, do you have any views on these styles? JB.
  5. Hello everybody, I am new to martial arts but I am currently looking to join a reputable and well run Karate club in the South Manchester, UK area. My main focus is fitness, self-defence and competition. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Regards, JB.
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