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Michael's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. ahh a friend of mine is the same, he just knows how to use his body. I take jujutsu and he would be great at throwing people. We play in the same team in soccer and he consistantly manages to not only tackle anyone with the ball but also flip them over his hips, its incredible to watch.
  2. Well I live in Canberra but i'm not to certain about all the gun laws and when people actually had to give them up. I am fairly sure however, that i've seen every gun related violent crime reported on the news. This is basically because of the lack of them. I feel a lot safer having these restrictions. The reasons for this are: 1. If I see someone that I feel is a threat to me I know they have to be able to be within about 1 metre to hurt m, which gives plently of time to Run! 2. Most gun related incidents that I hear about are (biker) gang related and I don't mess with gangs 3. Most of these gang incidents and virtually every other gun related incident involves a hunting rifle (need protection on the farm from those kangaroos and drop bears ) which are fairly hard to conceal when walking around town. One other thing about guns. People say guns don't kill people, people do. I agree with this completely however, guns make it easier. I'm not to informed much (if at all) on this subject but if a kid at school gets pushed over the limit they to go home steal dads gun and come back the next day and blow away some school yard bullies. Now i'm sure you are all saying right now I have trigger locks etc etc but it only takes one gun not properly locked away for a couple of people to die. But with or without gun controls there are always going to be a few crazy people out there that any amount of controls won't stop. The only two that I can remember was one shooting at a melbourne university (don't think anyone was killed(but i could be wrong)) and port arthur massecare where the shooter had a rifle and was Completely Insane (quite a few people died). Anyway thats my 2 cents. Remember though these views are based almost entirely on the media not factual information. Therefore they could be easily incorrect. PS If you want to do some hunting come to australia and offer to kill some kangaroos for a farmer cos theres plently to go around and if you do come, be careful under gumtrees cos those little grey bears will drop down and attack unsuspecting prey .
  3. Heres another nice story for you. Apparently a couple of years ago a kobudo blackbelt was sheathing his sword as he was returning to a nealing postion. He stumbled slightly and dropped right on to the sword and died. Which is why we don't get to train with real swords for a long long long time.
  4. I think the weapons came about of as a result of wanting to teach people how to defend against them. i would love to record them unforeunatly I don't have a video camera
  5. I just talked to a friend of mine in the class and he sprained his ankle really badly a couple of weeks ago. It turns out it was the same guy stuffing up his throw. Luckily my friends coming back to training this week so we are just going to practice together.
  6. I'm doing a kobudo course which is run be my Jujutsu dojo. We do Kokusai Jujutsu so i'm not really quite sure what the bo kata is called. We also do a number of other weapons such as the sword, spear, knife and apparently some others though as yet we have only done the bo. Actually i'm not quite sure if we are doing a really traditional kata as the instructor said that it is made up of the different areas the bo appears in the jujutsu syllabus.
  7. Thats a good idea though it kinda feels weird saying something like that , its as though your not tough enough or something. As to the instructor Ithink hes been doing it for about 25 - 30 yrs and hes the highest ranked person alive in our style now (the founder and 10th dan died in 1990) so he gets graded in Japan by 7th - 10th dan people in other JJ styles. This may be wrong cos he didn't explain it fully but i think its right.
  8. They showed us all 22 moves in our first (Bo) kata last night. I'm so excited i'm going to go practice right now!
  9. Ok just last night I went back to JJ after a week off because I was sick. I told the guy I was partnered with that I had never actually done the throw we were doing before because I wasn't there last week and asked him if we could go through it slowly. So we start going through it and and he says "If you try that again i'm going to break your arm" and this point I have no idea what he is talking about as i'm bent over with my arm twisted behind my back. What worried me about this is that people can easily break your arm from the position I was in and unlike the instructor I have no trust that this guy will not actually do it. Luckily nothing came of that but for the rest of the night he kept trying to hit pressure points and kick me after i'd thrown him. Neither of which we have yet done in class (I'm doing an introductory course). Needless to say this was very annoying and I hope i'm never with him again. The problem is however it's not always easy to choose who your partner will be, so I was wondering what people think is the best way to deal with poeple like this. On another note I was wondering what level most people's instructors are. The guy that takes our introductory course is 8th dan.
  10. Lets also not forget that the Hapkido guy may have some weapons training. He might walk to the trunk of his car whip out his trusty sword and proceed to chop tyson into small peices. On the other hand Tyson probably carries a gun . BANG!
  11. Hi, I just started uni and thought doing a MA would be an interesting way to get fitter and have fun!
  12. The other MA to chose from include: Aikido - Taught by John Turnbull (whos meant to be well known, though that might be only within Australia) Aikido - Aiki-Kai Capoeira Judo Karate Yu Shih tao Kung Fu Tae Kwon Do Tai Chi Yiquan + some weapons courses eg kendo and Kobudo the reason I choose jujutsu is because i watched one of their training sessions and it seemed like the students enjoyed it and had a lot of respect for their teacher and they were doing lots of cool throws!
  13. Hi I just signed up for Jujutsu an I noticed on their list of areas covered in the art and i noticed that there is no mention of punches or kicks. Is this normal for Jujutsu? And is this a good style to learn first? This is the link to their website http://www.ijji.org/anu/aboutjujutsu.htm .
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