This is a very interesting topic. I agree with the previous statement, "respect is free". I do my best to respect the people in my life (karate, friends, family, work). However, like trust, it very hard to get back once it has been broken. One of the lines in our dojo kun is "karatedo begins and ends with courtesy and respect". I believe there is more than one way to look at this statement. The first is to apply it to the martial artists. I take the view that if karate begins and ends with respect, there is no start or finish, respect must be reciprical to all ranks. However, like trust, once it has been broken it is very difficutt to earn back. IMHO, The way respect manifests itself, ie) bowing, titles, lining up in rank order, is the courtesy aspect. For me respect also includes respect for the art and for the senseis, the ones who have gone before. Without this a dojo is a just a place to work out and hit things, like cardio kickboxing (which is absolutley fine, if that is what you are looking for.