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Everything posted by kamikaiguy

  1. Hello Everyone. Please 44 pages WOW! In modern times(Post WWII) kata changed into someting of a dance. I don't really know why, I'm sure everyone has their own explaination. Kata's are a collection of movement that teach common fighting principles. The pattern, tempo and direction of the all have meaning. It is unlocked through the study of bunkai. You need to have a good teacher to understand bunkai. For example the First motion of heian shodan. Turn left Downward block and step and punch. You are not blocking a front kick and then stepping in to do a lunge punch. This just does not work. You cannot get proper distance. But take the motion as a defence against a lapel grab. Step left and use the prepatory motion of the Downward block as a strike to the crease of the elbow. I causes the uke lean hi head intoward you. Use the left downward block as a hair grab to pull your opponent head back, also unbalanceing him. At this point if you step foward you now have completly dependant on you fro balance. Now instead of a lunge punch execute a palm strike to the uke's chin while retracting the left arm that is has a hold of his head. You have just broke your uke's neck. You see why this stuff could not be taught to young school children. Itosu did the right thing.
  2. Hanshi Legacy is Direct student of Anthony Sandoval, who trained White Crane from, I believe Hohan Soken Directly.
  3. I train a system called Kamite-Ryu Karate-Jutsu. It is rooted in Shorin-Ryu. Anyway all Martial arts of Shuri Origin have Monk fist, and White Crane. Most notably White Crane. If you examine the Kata it is very evident and quite noticable. My challenge to you is to find the Crane in your favorite kata. So many people claim to know the origin of their art but don't unserstand it. Let have fun with this. Find the Crane in the Bunkai of your favorite kata. Even Shotokan as changed as their kata are there is still Crane in the Bunkai. Yours in the Martial Arts Dwayne T. Krieger Renshi Godan
  4. I would have to say without a doubt that My number 1 favorite Kata is Annan followed by Hyakuhachiho (Suparempei). Annan for the open handed bunkai and Hyakuhachiho for it's depth in bunkai and the infighting taught in the kata.
  5. Hello all There are no styles. Back in Okinawa all the master trained together. Read Your history. Therefore they all developed different ways to do the same thing. Then one day Anko Itosu started teaching in the public school system and karate became the punchy kicky thing most of us do today. Learn bunkai, learn kyusho, learn tai sabaki. Then you will learn karate. Not a style the but Karate. Remember acording to Myamoto Musashi -- when 2 equally skilled fighters enter into combat the one more seasoned in battle will usually win.
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