Hi, My son is training for his 1st Dan at the moment which he hopes to take in February, he is working hard and has good technique in his basics and kata. However, for his black belt, he will be required to take part in kumite, this is the first time he has had to do it in a grading and it's not something that is focussed on in the dojo. His technique is okay, but he is very scared of getting hit/injured (he is 10), whenever we do either kumite or Jiyu in the dojo, as soon as he is attacked he pretty much backs off rapidly (not quite running, but he does tend to turn his back and move very quickly); this is the same when he is attacking, he will issue the attack and then retreat quickly to avoid getting hit. He is a good karate-ka, loves kata competitions (which is great for his confidence) and has brought home a number of medals, his fear of fighting though will prevent him getting his black belt which he has been working hard for all year. I'm a 2nd Dan myself and have had some 'war wounds' so I can understand his trepidation, I was just wondering if this had happened in your dojos (I can't believe he is alone in this as a young child) and how you managed to build their confidence enough to hold his own - training techniques, psychology? All suggestions welcome! Thanks Mark.