Thats excellent mate, i double graded and passed my gradings doing kihon and heian shodan, it is an amazing feeling what part of the country are you from, if uk, what association are you training with.
Hi guys, thank you for the advice the grading went amazing I double graded red belt got a lot of support from everyone, mal hi I graded in wincanton this time it was going to be in mere but we couldn't get the venue.
Well after over 6 months training I'm going to my first grading 9th kyu tomorrow,not sure if I should be nervous or not as I have memorized the syllabus from start to finish from perfecting gedan barai to the timing of my kata, if any of you remember what did you feel like for your first grade.
Hi Guys, i just thought id post a quick hi to all, i currently train under Sensei Peter Manning 7th Dan at the TSKA Mere, i am only a beginner at white belt but i have my first grading on 14th Dec so hopefully i will start to progress further.