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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thank you all very much for replying. I was curious to whether or not there was some type of easy work outs any of you can suggest. Links work fine too. I have been walking a lot and stretching. After reading through some more "how to choose your own" and other things. I may go with Muay Thai or American Boxing. It has the strikes I am personally looking for. I was wondering what other MA has low kicks. I know Muay Thai does. Any other suggestions for working out, dieting, and MA suggestions for my weight would be great. Thanks.
  2. Greetings Karateforums community. As you can see I am a newbie here on the forums and after looking all over the internet for an active forum, I believe I have found my "home". But I digress. I am looking for a martial arts suited best for me, and I know there are others out there looking for an answer or at least some guidance as well. When I say 'suited' I mean the best MA for someone overweight. Now I don't want this to be some huge arguement on who's opinion, is the correct opinion, I just want the facts and the reason behind your suggestions. With this being said, I hope to get an unbiased opinion from whoever responds, and I greatly appreciate your efforts. I am not interested in heavy grappeling MA what-so-ever. I think the furthest I would go would have to be Krav Maga, but even then, it's a little much. I'm interested in heavy striking like Wing Chun, Western Boxing and so on. The problem I am having is trying to figure out what MA or two MA's I could combined that have both striking with legs and arms. Another problem with me being overweight ( 6'2", 350lb+ ) is that it may have to be light on the joints starting out. I am top heavy as well. My legs are not short and my waist is not massive. I am just very top heavy, with thick thighs. I have been doing my own research and was also hoping that I could get some input on what styles would be good. Possibly exercises to start doing in preparation for this. I am looking to mostly lose weight and learn self defense at the same time. Any help that has to do with exercises for my size, nutrition, opinions on styles, and amything else would be fantastic. I have worked out in the past, but I let myself go a few years ago, and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. -NayKu
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