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Dan's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. hey guys in a street fight adreniln starts pumping and stuff (as im sure u all know you know) isn there a way to practice this and make adrenlin come and go so you can get used to it anyways thanx in advance ttl bye
  2. Dan

    wado karate?

    anyone know anything about it? its what im in anyways i was just wondering what yal new bout it thanx -Dan -
  3. thanx so much 4 the replys more are welcome!!
  4. Thanx 4 the reply
  5. hey yall i have a question when ever i get in a fight i rend to freeze this didnt happen a while ago. i live in a tough neigborhood so i fought most of my life. i was was just wondering are there ways of getting around this.? btw it seems to have started happening after i had to quit karate. im getting back into it in a week or so though (i quit over a year ago) oh 1 more thing i freeze up (or get tense) even if its alittle person i know i can beat. any thoughts on this thanx 4 your time!
  6. Hi guys im new here im 14 yrs old ive trained 4 about four years now but i stooped last year ( moved ) but now im back and im getting back to it within the next few weeks and ive been traineing in wado karate. wel thanx for your time see ya later
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