thanks everyone for your warm welcome! I hope to learn from KF, as well as contribute, even though I'm not very good at MA and I still have much to learn. that's how I got the massive bruising -- from kote kitae, ude tanren and tai tanren. thank you for introducing the terms, since in my dojo, we just use the umbrella term "conditioning". it's been a while since I used liniments since my very sensitive skin does not like them sometimes; I usually ice huge bruises for up to 72 hours and then I'll massage the bruises gently till they go away. I don't really do anything about small bruises, since they heal rather quickly on their own. you're right: the bruising will go away eventually. I recall getting massive bruising as well when I first started grappling, but I got far fewer bruises along the way. I'm giving myself three to six months to be relatively conditioned, since it is quite unsightly for a woman to be regularly sporting such huge bruises on both forearms and quads.