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tselec's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I did the same thing too! lol. I was pleasantly surprised when I found KF.
  2. kyokushin - 4th kyu (green belt) I'm not sure if I will pursue my shodan, since I struggle a lot with memorising the katas and I don't know if I could do the breaking (of multiple wooden boards or tiles) well.
  3. I find that I do the "standard" kata-gatame (shoulder hold) - the person could be facing the ceiling or facing the mat - with a cable grip most of the time. it can be difficult to submit a bigger guy from kata-gatame, so I usually move into kesa (scarf hold), tate (top mount) or yoko (side control) -- all done with a ude-hishigi/ude-garami (straight or bent arm locks) or jime (choke). if s/he turns away from me, I'd go into a supine back ride choke or a back ride with a RNC while making sure I get my leg hooks in. it is also possible to go into a juji (armbar), but it's relatively not as easy as, say, going into a kesa.
  4. thanks! by the way, my avatar is a picture of me in my bright pink judogi (size A1, gold weave).
  5. thanks everyone for your warm welcome! I hope to learn from KF, as well as contribute, even though I'm not very good at MA and I still have much to learn. that's how I got the massive bruising -- from kote kitae, ude tanren and tai tanren. thank you for introducing the terms, since in my dojo, we just use the umbrella term "conditioning". it's been a while since I used liniments since my very sensitive skin does not like them sometimes; I usually ice huge bruises for up to 72 hours and then I'll massage the bruises gently till they go away. I don't really do anything about small bruises, since they heal rather quickly on their own. you're right: the bruising will go away eventually. I recall getting massive bruising as well when I first started grappling, but I got far fewer bruises along the way. I'm giving myself three to six months to be relatively conditioned, since it is quite unsightly for a woman to be regularly sporting such huge bruises on both forearms and quads.
  6. hello! I have been practising kyokushin karate for the past two years and I love it! I recently earned my 4th kyu in kyokushin, and also hold a shodan in sport ju-jitsu and a white belt in judo; I have been practising MA for the past 8.5 years, since my university days. I joined this forum, hoping to read on how I could better condition my limbs and perhaps ask a few questions along the way. you see, last night was my first night as a kyokushin senior belt and so my kyokushin guys - I'm the only woman in the class - went a bit harder in conditioning and kumite; I woke up this morning with massive bruises on both forearms and quads. yes, my quad muscles have palm-sized bruises. also, it doesn't help that I have fragile veins -- this was told to me by a nurse while she was drawing my blood for a routine blood test. would really appreciate it if anyone has any tips or advice for me! thanks for reading! osu! cheers, celest
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