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Everything posted by origami_07

  1. I'm looking for a school that teaches the Filipino martial art, Kali. I've looked up on google on some instructors that teach Kali in Calgary and there are several that mention a man named Dan Rutano. The links on other discussion boards that are supposed to bring me to Dan Rutano's website don't work anymore. Has he stopped instructing? Anyway, if anyone can give me a working link to his website that would be great. If anyone can also direct me to a Kali school in NE Calgary that would also be great.
  2. The level of contact has more to do with the individual dojo rather than the style. I don't know enough about Chito-ryu to comment, but Wado is a very good style. Be careful about connecting it to Jujutsu! It has techniques within its system, but probably nothing like the Jujutsu you have in your head. It is however hard to learn well and takes a lot of mental weight lifting!!! I know the head instructor at the Calgary Wado club you posted. I have trained alongside him (Barry) and his wife Nicole many times and they are both first class martial artists. They understand Wado and how it works. You would be in very good hands. K. Appreciate it. I'm a bit picky when it comes to picking a teacher. I've heard some great things about Barry and Nicole's dojo and your response makes me feel more assured that they're great teachers.
  3. ...and which style emphasizes on full contact kumite ? I'm pretty stuck on choosing two dojos. One teaches Wado and the other is Chito.
  4. I'm surprised how open minded and kind the people in this forum can be unlike some MMA forums where very heated debates take place. Just a kid finding his place in the world. Striving towards positivity, selflessness, open-mindedness, and self-realization.
  5. Particularly Guseikai's Calgary branch. The head of the Calgary branch is Berry Welch. I've only read, literally, a few comments about their dojo in this forum but I'm wondering where Guseikai Calgary stands in the competitive world of karate. Their classes start this fall so I want to know as much as possible before I go there.
  6. I'm looking to study Karate and wondering if anyone can recommend some really good dojos in Calgary. I've down narrowed some dojos because I've heard of some great things about them but if anyone could recommend anymore, and state why, I would REALLY appreciate it. Here are some of the dojos I'm looking to join: http://www.iskfcalgary.ca/ http://www.guseikaicalgary.com/About_us.html
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