Size up your opponent before you engage. If he strikes first then you know he is an OFFENSIVE fighter. If he waits for your attack then you know he is a DEFENSIVE fighter. Find out what technique your opponent is good at by giving a fake. If your opponent moves his hands then you know he is a puncher. If your opponent moves his leg then you know right away that he is a kicker. Try to get your opponent to attack first, either by a fake or taunt. You will quickly learn what technique your opponent relies on, (every fighter has their favorite technique) then plan a counter for that attack. Do not telegraph your attack. Never show fear when sparring. Your opponent will sense fear and go on the attack, however, fear also can be used as a fake. When you and your opponent are in hitting range make sure you're legs are never wider than your shoulder width. Wider stands makes your movements slower. Always set up your opponent before you strike. Set up high, strike low. Set up low, strike high. Most experienced fighters will never get hit unless you set them up. Always relax the body before you strike. Tension slows down attacks. Visualise a snake attacking it's prey. Calm, relaxed, then strike with lightening speed. Close the gap between your thought and action. Don't think too long or the opportunity is lost. The moment to strike an opponent is when he is about to launch an attack or as he is landing from his attack.