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Everything posted by adrenline

  1. no one said that. but were talking about odds here.
  2. thats one isolated example, which when compared to ALL combat sporting events and matches in history, is INSIGNIFICANT at best. 99.99999% of the time, people fight there own weight. Hence why we have weight classess. This isnt to say that a smaller guy, couldnt beat a bigger guy, as it has happeend many times....but overall bigger guys can get away with having less skill. smaller guys cannot (unless there very very strong).
  3. so a 9 year old black belt with exceptional skill could kick a 6'0 ,200 pound guys *? why do traditionalists believe this garbage?
  4. does size matter? ask yourself why they have weight classes in kickboxing, muay thai, nhb, boxing, and wrestling. there is your answer.
  5. i too see now race, creed, color, or gender when someone is coming at me with a weapon. If they actually have the guts to do that, im going to return fire.
  6. that souunds pretty hardcore, which is good for muay thai. training on one side is what alot of gyms do. ITs better to be EXCELLENT on one side than OK on two sides. Thats how I did. but that whole fiasco with the shirt is ridiculous.
  7. the only guys who say size doesnt matter are small guys.. but I think strength is more of an important factor to consider. usually larger size is equated with more strength.
  8. uhh, thats one of the worst ideas ive ever heard. if you wanna choose a style, read up on them, watch videos of the techniques, watch videos of the style in a combat setting (like a tournament), etc etc.
  9. this term gets thrown around alot on ma message boards. What the hell is a street fighter? A guy who goes around fighting on the streets? ..no. A guy who occasionaly gets into fights with random people? ...no. Or is it a term used to describe untrained people who get into fights occasionally? Why are "street fighters" blown out of proportion? A hoodlum, a crook, or a drunk does not = a street fighter or, There is no such thing as a street fighter. discuss.
  10. i think its spelled kalari priyat. its an indian martial art from the southern part. They start off learning weapons, THEN learn empty handed techniques.
  11. uuhh. u usually cant see the kick coming.. Most good thai boxers will mask the kick behind a punching combo or something else. Stepping in is a dumb idea, considering the thai boxer will get u in a clinch and ull eat knees and elbows. Backing up is a good idea IF you can see it coming. If you cant see it coming, just eat the kick or block it. Either way its going to hurt.
  12. ummmm... your basically ripping off bjj, boxing, and muay thai/tkd kicks, repackaging it, and calling it something else...... many guys do this today, and I dont know why.
  13. well if you duck your head and protect your chin, i usually keep my right hand around my temple, to protect it.
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