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  • Location
    United States of America:Southern California

LightFighterZero's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. It turns out Ben Otake is one of the instuctors at the dojo. Seems promising. I'll check it out.
  2. At the dojo where I am going to be taking classes, they also offer a Shindokai/Shin Shin Mugendo class. I have been looking around and I have found nothing about this art anywhere else so I came here to ask if any of you have. and if you have can you please tell me a little about it and if you would recommend it or not? thisis what the dojo site says: "Superficially, traditional martial arts styles tend to incorporate movement patterns which can loosely be described as falling into two movement categories: circular and linear. Ben Otake recognized that each movement category - circular and linear - enjoys an advantage vs. the other category depending on such factors as response time, distance, and power. The converse is also true - each movement style can be said to be at a disadvantage with respect to the other style, again, depending on the situation. For example, a hard front-kick is very difficult to defeat with a hard forearm block. A deflecting parry might be more successful. With this in mind, Otake Sensei saw that it is possible to combine circular and linear elements into a new family of techniques thus combining the advantages of both types of movements. By using a continuous figure-eight pattern of movement, he has developed and refined a training method which enables the practitioner to respond and counter quickly to any attack with little or no recovery time. He calls his method Shin Shin Mugendo, or way of infinity." Thank you for your time and kind consideration, Light Fighter Zero
  3. Thanks for the advice. I think I'll check out the Shotokan dojo again to get a better feel of it.
  4. I am looking for an art that uses quick strikes due to the fact that I have more speed then strength. Also as of now I am not to flexible, I mean I can touch my toes and what not like that but I can't kick high or anything like that. I also am not coordinated to do any roundhouse kicks or what not. I want to learn how to do thing circular moves like this in the future, but I don't know what martial art would offer the most fluidity. I guess what you can say is that I am looking for something smooth and flowing. From what I have seen shotokan incorporates strong linear strikes though which is also nice. I have a little bit of a boxing background so besides hooks jabs and all those little goodies, my punching technique is pretty limited. Thank you again for your help and comments.
  5. I did sit in on both. And they both really appealed to me. The gripe I had with the ninjutsu place was the fact that it seemed to commercial in look and appearance, but at least the conetent seemed relatively traditional, or at least from what I can tell. The karate one was awesome too, but then again I am being a bit nit picky about it dealing with competion in some sense
  6. I am starting my first martial art and I have narrowed my search down to two places in my area. One is a Shindokai/Shin Shin Mugendo and Shotokan Karate dojo and the other is ninjutsu school. Being a short and stocky guy I was hoping for studying something more fluid and flowing. I have listed the websites so you guys can see the school and tell me what you think about each place. I havevisited both and both seem interesting. The karate place seems more traditional where as I sort of picked up a vibe at the ninjutsu place of being over decorated/advertised in some sorta way...then again that might jsut be me. Karate: http://www.camarilloshotokan.com/ Ninjutsu: http://www.warriorquestsociety.com/ Thanks for your time and kind consideration. Any response is much appreciated.
  7. Nice to meet some people that like to airsoft as well. I have beening doing this stuff for 5 years now and it never gets old. Me and my team have gone through several tactics and traning courses. As of now, I own a TM SR16, TM M4A1 RIS Classic Army M15A4 carbine, Classic Army M24 SOCOM, TM Tactical master, Western Arms Para Ordanance, and an Airsoft Elite MP5 SD6. I know that milsim games aren't exactly the best type of way to spend your past time but it really does help sharpen your senses and survival skills. You start to appreciate what the soldiers across the world are doing for us as we speak. If you got any questions or anything about the activity I'll be happy to answer them...
  8. Hello and welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay and please come back.
  9. I'm 15 and turning 16 in a couple of days!!!
  10. Hey Light ng!! Welcome to the forums!!! I'm LightFighterZero..we got the little "Light" thing in common..thats pretty neat
  11. Welcome.. I'm 15 too!!! I dunno ifwhy i am saying that but whatever.. well yeah welcome...
  12. Howdy stranger..I can tell yeer not frum around these parts... So I'd like to welcome you!!
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