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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Well talked this before also, I think that as there is a purity in the religion i.e. Christianity so there is in this games. People following this religion and playing this game will have there inner humanity exploded to the much extent and that is the heavenly pleasures that one can get being human.
  2. Well the article that you have posted is nice and good, it is to be known and understood that things in life as we take it, one should be overwhelmed when one has a great interest and love in the matter.
  3. Most of we has a kind of attractions and love to this game as you do have, It is a great thought which you have presented in this articles and I praise it very much.
  4. Well quiet good concept and thought presented between the martial arts and the Bible. To be sure, they are totally different aspects to know and as people know about it, but one thing for sure that as much as purity of human kind is there in the Bible, the same can be noticed in this game as it shows.
  5. Such similar cases usually occurs when one has the negativity inside, the important thing that should be notice here is that, there should not be any kind of weaknesses or fault on behalf of your side and let the two or more people stand in this case and help to get solve it thereafter.
  6. Every little games has got its own rules of conduct, to success or to be successful in the game like takewando needs a great enthusiasm within in and heart and soul devoted totals in it.
  7. There is no difference between man or woman in the game of martial arts. What a man is able to do in this game, woman are equally capable to do. The only thing in common should be full concentrations.
  8. Yes it is the game of full concentration that is why the concentrated mind can make every tricks of the game possible which other game can not easily do.
  9. Well I find it good that detailed about the history of karate is briefed, moreover these informations is quiet good to know much more about the very related topic.
  10. I am the earlier player but not recently an active players right now, sorry abut that!
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