Hi all, My first post. I am a returner to Karate after a few years out. I trained up to 2nd kyu and relocated to an area where there are no clubs in my previous style (Ishin-ryu), so I have joined a small shotokan club that train once per week. I would like to train up to black belt so need to find more places to train. There is another shotokan club close by where one of the guys at my current club trains. The thing is, my current club is great but very focused on the application of karate as well as basics and kata etc, the other shotokan club is also very much focused on basics and kata (I am told), when I trained Ishin-ryu we obviously focused on those areas but I also enjoyed free sparing and competition style sparing (more than anything else actually). I am occasionally in the area where I used to train and I hoped to go back and do some sessions with my previous sensei. (sorry for the long winded back story), my questions are: What is the etiquette around training with more than one club? Each is with a different association, is it okay to do? Do I need to buy a licence from each? What is the etiquette about training in more than one style? Should I grade to 1st kyu in shotokan or should I continue grading in ishin-ryu (I will not be able to attend my ishin-ryu club weekly, more like a couple of times per month), and if I grade in shotokan will I be welcome at my old club? Sorry lots of questions, hopefully non of them too silly. I know that karate has lots do's and do not's and I don't want to rub anyone up the wrong way, I just want to train! thanks in advance.