This is my first post to this forum. Interestingly enough, this thread instantly caught my eye. After 35 years, I am going back to class. My 19 year old daughter started about 6 months ago and is very talented and loves karate. We want to start going to class together. I asked the instructors and they said I could keep my rank and just get caught up at my own pace. I don't feel comfortable with that so I have been going to class and just watching. For one thing, things have changed. What is being done now and what is expected has, as one may surmise, changed somewhat. They have a handbook now. We never did. I also have been doing some practice on my own and working out so I am as worthy of my rank as I can be. I would gladly re-start as a white belt, but in my particular case I have permission just start back up like nothing happened and catch up as I can. One thing I noticed is things are not as strict as they were in the mid-seventies. Also, more attention is given to legal aspects than before. Thirty five years ago we were NEVER taught to hold our hands open and step back from a real life attacker like we are now. The reason we are now is because most real life physical conflicts will end up in a court room. We may need to prove that our actions were in self defense. Another thing that is different......students must remove their rank (belts) before drinking or eating in the class. Eating and drinking in class????? That's a luxury certainly not afforded 35 years ago. I think it's a great thing that karate, at least our style, has evolved to reflect the way society has changed. I am anxious to get back in class. Sometime after Memorial Day I should be back into shape enough to get caught up.