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Everything posted by Mproulx5

  1. What do you mean, "what's with the hands?" Are they doing something funny?Just the low guard I thought of this shot of the geat gretzky. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md6raaZM0n1qe1x8qo1_1280.jpg
  2. After reading a LOT on the many styles, I have to say from what I see, shotokan is very... nice to watch and I like the mix of defense and offense. Kyokushin seems like offense orientated karate, very up close but whats with the hands? I think I might have to go watch a few different styles before I decide...
  3. Thanks for the replies. Cannot send private messages until I have 25 posts. To Blacknebula, how serious are these places you go to? and what is the sparring like? I have heard some shotokan karate dojos do not even allow contact. And I know most kyokushin are full contact. But I have heard negative from every style.
  4. Am looking for input from anyone who practices karate in calgary or anywhere in southern alberta, I am interested in learning karate and would like to know which dojos are for serious practitioners. I don't live in the city so I don't know anything about anything thanks.
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