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Everything posted by barrypardue

  1. Restraint or Running would be a better option
  2. Seems like you need another sensei, They have to show you proper form for you to use the techniques properly.
  3. Go at them with all you have then they will take you seriously
  4. sounds like you should go for it
  5. I went through the same problem. Found out that different senseis teach it slightly different ways to make it look better and to personalize their dojo
  6. I would have to say its because karate is for self defense only, therefore you start with a block to protect yourself from attack.
  7. Very well written thanks for sharing!
  8. Guess i would have to go with rank because i worked really hard to get it and thus am very proud of it.
  9. 3 years in my first style hoping to get it in 3 with this one also because then comes the hard stuff...
  10. I do it for self discipline. And to help with stress and health.
  11. I go over kihon and katas. It seems to keep me on track mentally and physically.
  12. I practice kata and kihon everyday. It helps my stress level and my muscle memory...
  13. You will probably be tested to see where you fit in. Usually when a student has previous experience and comes to a new dojo they test them to see what rank they should have.
  14. He will probably just get the belt and give it to you the next class. Or he might be testing your patience.
  15. I have my name on one side and my style on the other.
  16. White Orange Red Yellow Green Purple Purple + 1 white stripe Brown Brown + 1 white stripe Brown + 2 white stripes Black
  17. I think they should it would be great to watch!
  18. Should not scare you. Have you talked to your sensei?
  19. I listen to classic oriental music , i know kind of silly but it makes me remember the roots and makes me feel like i am training in the old days.
  20. It really depends on ones skill level, If they pass the testing with correct form then they clearly deserve the belt.
  21. I have some but have the rest of my life to gather more!
  22. It is possible to learn from home with the right dvds i guess and that would be better than not learning anything but you really need a partner for your sparring. I know someone who learned from home and went to take a belt test to see where they fit in and they thought they would be a black belt and ended up a yellow!
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