Hello everyone! We've got some black belt students who are under the age of 12, and they've expressed an interest in "teaching a class" for the first time when we held a leadership devleopment class. These kids, because they're black belt, tend to go to more advanced classes for their age, and they're senior in rank to over half of the teens and adults who train. We do have program slots for children aged 6-12, but of course, these are about 50% white belt at any time, and it's a difficult session to teach as an ADULT because of the wide range of students and student ages, nevermind trying to handle as a pre-teen with social skills still maturing. What are your experiences with mentoring new students into the teaching realm, and what would you suggest for mentoring these "black belt but under 12" kids in a way that won't offend our adults who are 3-5x older than them but junior in rank? Val