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Everything posted by Cobra_Kai

  1. Hey, I don't know wat you trying to prove? like I said, to ME this isn't That big of a deal
  2. I don't really get what the big deal is
  3. I like to play D&D, I also like going fast on roller coasters and go karts.
  4. I love training with the Bo, it's strong and it's circular movements are fluid and concise.
  5. That was a very gnarly fight. Kudos on the choke-out
  6. I'd would definitely, throw someone out of the octagon
  7. I still can't get past skyrim, it's some good stuff
  8. White-yellow-orange-purple-green-blue-red-brown-advanced brown-pre black- advanced pre black-qualify-black belt
  9. I like listening to video game and movie music, Star Wars, halo, lord of the rings
  10. I like my proforce gladiator pants
  11. Yeah most of the seminars I've been to, I've had multiple partners of different ranks and skill
  12. ...he would probably have 100 more awesome movies
  13. I prefer kubatons, but then again I've never really dabbled with an monkey fist.
  14. I like the bucket and sand idea
  15. I agree!I feel that if karate become an Olympic sport, it would get really watered down
  16. I go through all my katas at least once a day, gotta get that muscle memory down.
  17. I have personal thoughts on this seeing as I not only skipped one belt, but two. So the ranking at my dojo goes white-yellow-orange-purple-green-blue-red-brown-advanced brown-black. About a year ago after a really intense class my instructor approached me and called me into the office(I was scared because I had no clue what was going on). Once there he told me that he has been paying close attention to my training and thought that I showing exemplary(his words not mine) work ethic and drive, so after talking for about 30 minutes he finally told me that he had a surprise for me at my next belt test. So the time for the belt test comes and I pass but instead of awarding me my green belt(I was a purple belt at the time) he calls me to the front of the class and hands me a red belt. Needless to say I was very surprised, I was moved up to the advanced class and have been practicing and studying their since.
  18. That's pretty much the point of my mini rant
  19. I love the " Way of the Warrior" series. I highly suggest watching them.
  20. I carry a kubotan with me at all times. Of course if I didn't I'd never get anywhere seeing as all my keys are on it.
  21. Really nice job, congrats
  22. I really like that second design, the Flex one
  23. So a bunch of instructors at the dojo where I practice, are going to a one day seminar to get certified to teach Krav Maga. My question is how someone can be qualified to teach a discipline after just a one day course?
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