Hi Guys, I think it's important to keep in mind that WTF and ITF TKD are almost two different martial arts with very little in common. WTF is more a sport with a poor foundation based on politics over logic developed by a man who never really practiced martial arts Un Yong Kim. The drech in the Olympics is just something for people who do other martial arts to look at and use to disparage real TKD. No punches to the head, and fall down after every kick, seriously? where as ITF is a well thought out scientifically applied martial art developed by a man who spent his life developing it on sound scientific principals. Oyama and Gen Choi where friends and agreed on so many things that they agreed to become brothers both legally and emotionally. A marriage of their martial arts was not part of this, though I am sure that would have pleased Gen. Choi as his dream is to spread TKD as widely as possible. If you want to read a very indepth book on TKD's hostory and politics "A Killing Art" is a good one, but it is not unbiased. It is also a good idea to pick up Gen. Choi's autobiography from TKD Times "Taekwondo and I" I would also recomend studying Gen. Choi's book "Taekwondo" either the big book or the 15 volume encyclopedia explaining all of the anatomy and science behind real TKD moves.