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    Cincinnati OH
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gatlintm's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hello Karate Forumm community, I am a student at the University of Cincinnati studying product design and a fellow life long martial artist. I am currently working on a school project to design a new and improved type of sparring gear, and would like your opinions, criticism and feedback. If you can spare 5 minutes, I have 3 initial concepts for review. Please take my simple survey, again it should not take more than a few minutes. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VN9TGND Thank you so much for you assistance. Admins, if this post would be more appropriate for a different forum, please let me know. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Tom
  2. Hello Karate Forums, My name is Tom and I am a student at the University of Cincinnati, currently pursuing a degree in Product design. I am currently working on a project to design and improve sparring gear, and am in need of your experiences/opinions. I’ve trained thought out my whole life and have never really run across any specific gear that really excels in any aspect. I have my own personal experiences to draw from, but I would love to have a wide variety of opinions as part of my research. Below is a link to a simple survey, which shouldn’t take more than a minute or two. Any and all responses would be sincerely appreciated. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/79RM36V Admins, if this post is incorrectly placed, or if there are old forums discussing sparring gear, please let me know. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you all for your help, -Tom
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