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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    5th DAN Master Tang Soo Do, 4th DAN Okinowan Goju-Ryu, 4th DAN Okinowan Ryu Kyu Kobudo
  • Interests
    Martial Arts History, Martial Arts Theory, Martial Arts Philosophy
  • Occupation
    M.D. Surgical Neuro-Oncology, Ph.D Sociology, DMA Cello, DMA Piano, MA Composition

TraditionalMartialArtist's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. 5th DAN Master Tang Soo Do, 4th DAN Okinowan Goju-Ryu, 4th DAN Okinowan Ryu Kyu Kobudo (Sanshiu-Konbu)
  2. Very well done Sir! Not many can be accounted to understand the morale and historical significance of the Muye Dobo Tong Gi. This book gave Hwang Ki his educational basis to form Soo Bahk Do due to the information on Soo Bahk Ki (composed of Rae Bop and Sung Ki Hwa Bop). Which, ironically were progressions of Tae Kyon, therefore only ligitamizing Hwang Ki's rumor of having mastered Tae Kyon by his early twenties. (Suborian - Presteige Developemental Studies) Another great anthology for the History and minute theory and philosopy of all the TRADITIONAL ORIGINAL Korean Schools, such as Tae Kyon, Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan (Hwa Soo/Rhang Do)...etc.....is the anthology "Korean Martial Arts Handbok - Glenn Jones". This anthology of information provides historical significance through the words of the original Masters. Very interesting. If those of you who are interested in more history, will search "The thirteen influeces of Tae Kyon" - A Poem created by Hwang Ki to bring traditional virtues to modern allopathcicty. Although, it did little but provide sadistical morale gratification and socipathic berievement as the traditional styles die through the consistent misinterpretation of their fundementals, it lives on as a great insight into the formation of the old original school of Tae Kyon. You will find in very amusing, and one for the history books nonetheless! (HAHAHAHA)
  3. Hello! I am a 5th DAN Master in Traditional Tang Soo Do, a 4th DAN Black Belt in Traditional Okinowan Goju-Ryu, and a 4th DAN Black Belt in Traditional Okinowan Ryu Kyu Kobudo. Before retiring, I was a Doctor of Surgical Neuro-Oncology for 30 years, in which I also spent a breif time obtaining my Doctorate (Ph.D) of Sociology, then teaching a Ph.D. graduate class as a Doctor Professor of Sociology at a University in Northern California. I have also recently obtained my DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts) of Cello and Piano Preformance, and a Masters in Composition (And will soon be persuing a DMA as well). I have a passion for TRADITIONAL Martial Arts Theory, Philosophy, and History. I have been training in the Martial Arts from the age of three (51 Years), and will soon be testing for my 6th DAN Master's promotion in Tang Soo Do, and my 5th DAN Master's Promotion in Okinowan Goju-Ryu and Okinowan Kobudo. Replies will do much to oblige!! Thank You! Best Wishes, ~ Sa Bom Nim ~
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