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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado-Ryu Karate, Shaolin Chuan Fa, Freestyle, Hosharafu, Ju-Jitsu

VeteranNinja's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Wado Ryu, although to me, karate is just karate, no matter what fancy japanese sounding words you put before it.
  2. For me it would most likely be Jujitsu or Hapkido, simply because i already have sufficient training in Stand-up, and quite like to focus my learning on mostly grappling/takedowns/ground work, which my knowledge lacks in. also, i quite like to learn Ninjitsu,to be brutally honest purely to seem cool, and also mostly to get to breakfalling/ukemi training as well as evasion and weapons training in.
  3. Although Im not too fussed about grades these days, as i have learnt that experience and knowledge/skill level is more important than rank, , I admittedly though enjoy the fact that there is a grade system in place in the places I train, as it gives me a structure for my training, as well as motivation and a sense of accomplish every time I graded and earnt a new grade. Saying this though, i have found many places where people cared more about how long left until they get their next grade and black belt than their actual training, and i myself fell into that influence for a VERY short period of time. I realised that this is damaging for martial arts to an extent, as people focus more on belt colours than the true meaning of martial arts. However, i still think its a good idea to have a common grade system; BUT ONLY so that it is easier to acknowledge a person's experience when going to train with other clubs/seminars for example. As long as the emphasis isnt on the grade, but ultimately on the person's experience, then all is fine, as I am fully aware that different clubs will definitely have different standards for grades, even for the same grade in the same style.
  4. How do people feel to have a grade system like the kyu/dan system used in japanese/korean martial arts to be used for all martial arts, including those such as boxing that may not necessarily use a grade system other than through proffesional fights? the reason i ask this is because, i think it will make it easier to compare skill levels of a person, and acknowledge how long they have been training for and a guide to see how far they are along with their training, as well as giving a person a sense of accomplishment and another qualifcation to add to their acheivements. this can also give a student something to work towards if they may not want to go into the competitive side of things. So, will it be worth it if ALL martial arts has to have some form of a grading system for students to take part in if they should choose?
  5. Hi, yes, my resolutions involve mostly improving my martial arts and take it more seriously/train on more of a regular basis and get get more involved, as at one point i didn't take it seriously. Also, my other one is to try and get involved my helping the community. how about you, Harkon72?
  6. Hi, just joined here! i thought i would join as i think this website is a good place to discuss martial arts with other people. To quickly talk about my martial arts background, i have nearly 8 years of martial arts experience, starting out in Karate (Wado-Ryu) as a kid, as a result of getting bullied at school and I am now currently a 1st kyu brown belt. Over the past 3-4 years i started to cross train in other martial arts as i feel that they teach things that my karate may not teach, and to diversify my skill set. I tried some arts such as Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing and Ju-Jitsu, although the clubs that teach these i felt were just money makers so i didn't train in them. however, a few months ago i started training in a Shaolin Chuan Fa Kung Fu club and a Freestyle martial arts club alongside my karate training, which i have found complimented my training, and i enjoy it here and have great instructors. i aim to train 4 times a week although that it can get difficult due to other commitments.
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