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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan karate
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kanoner's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. 7 Years. 1 year break at 5 kyu, and 6 months wait for regrading in kata. How? Wouldn't you still have to do the gradings? I can see how your previous experience could help a lot, but only in regards to double grading. Just curious. Is this in JKA?
  2. In regards to the "you've just started to learn" aproach to shodan, I think this is one of the most correct sayings. I still don't feel that I've "earned" my shodan (november 2012), but I have tested in a JKA grading, and proven to be at the required level. I feel that i have "earned" it in the case of the effort and years I put in (6 years). But in regards to fluidness, knowledge and correct technique (all the small odds and bits that make a correct technique) I still have a looong way to go. It's been deemed good enough, but it's far from perfect. This gives me a boost, that I have achived shodan, but still have lots of tings to learn. It's great! Black belt after 3 years... Naah, don't think so.
  3. In my experience one of two things usually happens when a person is afraid of sparring: 1. They quit when freesparring is introduced. 2. They endure and everybody I know who have done that get over their fear. They might still not enjoy it, but they all challenge them self from time to time. Usually those who endure, enjoy other aspects of the art (like kata in karate). I use that and introduce bunkai as kumite base. This strangely enough often help.
  4. Hello I found these videos of shotokan katas performed by what I believe is karatekas from Honbu Dojo. http://www.youtube.com/user/karateqigongyoga?feature=watch There is also clips of different techniques.
  5. Congratulations! I just passed my shodan on second attempt a month ago. Failed kata in summer.
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