Hi, I've been a long time lurker of this forum. I often tend to go to forums and hide in the shadows reading However, I thought I would pop in and say a quick hello. When I was younger and into my mid teens I used to regularly train in different MA's. I held a 2nd kup (red belt) in WTF Taekwondo and 4th kyu in Shotokan karate. I also dabbled in some BJJ, Judo and Hapkido, on and off over the years Unfortunately I followed the road so many young martial artists do and ended up being a lazy teen and stopped everything. Stopping training had always been the biggest regret of my life, I thought about it so often and wanted to restart. However as time went on, and the more un-fit I got (desk job/never doing physical activities) and the longer I left it, the harder it was for me to get the confidence to go take that first step and go back. Well finally, after so much time, I finally came to the realisation that I'm not getting any younger so I took that leap and joined a club early this year. I've been training there doing Wado-Ryu and will be taking my 7th kyu (orange belt) grading on Saturday! Absolutely loving it! I feel like a kid again - and every week for this past year all I think about between classes is how excited I am for the next one. I feel fitter, happier, sleep better(because I'm so tired from training), got my confidence back and love having something other than work to set targets on and achieve in. Anyway, as I said, just thought after hiding away reading that it would be rude not to say hello. Also to thank you guys for some great tips, advice, info and generally some great reading.