I thought it would be cool to have a thread where people could post stories about people they have met that are unusual martial artists, for a couple examples: I have gone to the same barber for 6 years, and we talk about the same thing every time I go there, school, work and sports. But last week I was wearing a shirt with my dojo's logo on it, he asked me about it and after some conversation I found out that he was practiced Chinese martial arts, a tiger stylist to be specific, I never would have expected that my quiet Caucasian middle age barber practiced tiger style kung fu, after more talking I found out that he actually learned in China while he was an exchange student there. Another example is my 60 year old neighbor, whose wife passed away 4 years ago. I noticed two him having an argument with the sketchy guys that are always hanging around the park on my block, I was about to intervene when I saw him take one of them down with something that looked like a sweep, and hit the other guy with a full force punch to the chest. After the encounter I asked him about it and it turned out that he spent many years in law enforcement, and he called his style "George Fu" which he told me he picked up after years of dealing with rowdy convicts and street thugs, after talking to him more it seemed to me that his style was Defendo mixed with American boxing and street fighting. So that leads me to the question, have you met any people who surprised you by being martial artists or fighters that you never would have expected to be?