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MAMom78's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Thank you! I am going to check both sites out. I am looking into isshin-ryu as a style that I may want to learn, but wanted some insight about the vertical fist. Also have heard that stances are not as deep as other styles.
  2. I have tried to do some research about this style, and I'm not finding much. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places? I'd like to know which kata are practiced, how many usually are learned by black belt. Also, stances seem to be more narrow, and punches are vertical? Just curious as to why a vertical punch? Are there any other styles that throw a vertical punch? Thanks in advance!
  3. I'm glad that I saw your post! In my school, its usually just sparring and throws, but I wondered how it would be to grapple. Another school that I've looked into teaches grappling and I would be the only female in this school.
  4. It sounds like your instructor didn't have a problem with it, so likely your child's instructor would not have a problem, either. If he questions you about it, simply explain your reasoning for why you both are attending different schools, which is out of convenience.
  5. You have all given me alot to think about. I haven't made a concrete decision yet. Its not one to make lightly, at least for myself. I plan on speaking with my instructor in more detail about continuing with his school. If I feel that it can't be resolved, then I will have to move on. I really don't want to move on, but it may be the only choice I have. I have checked out another local school. I will likely check out a couple of other schools, but they would require more travel time. Being a mom, the more travel time required, it takes away from time my home duties.
  6. I want to thank you for your responses. Evil Dave, you are right about knowing when its time to move on. My gut tells me its time, but I also feel ties to this school which would be difficult to break. I am sorry that I sound so vague. I think it is wiser to not publicize the full story until some more time has passed. I want to address some of the questions asked. Was it harmful to a student? No, not harmful to a student. There have been threats made against my instructor. I don't feel students are at physical risk for harm. Was it martial arts related, business, personal ? If it doesn't directly overshadow the teacher student relationship or the future of the school in a business sense ? This has become a publicized situation. Other martial arts schools have made it clear on their websites that they do not support his actions and are fully against it. It has been discussed with adult students, so that we are aware of what is going on. His actions are voluntary, not the consequence for any immoral actions, etc. The best instructor in the city? It'd probably take a lot for me to move in that case. His character would really have to come into question for me to make the move. Absolutely! That is what makes this decision so difficult. I have visited many of the schools in this city and seen first hand that our instructor's techniques are above average. I have decided that I am going to travel to a nearby city and visit some schools. The travel will be more lengthy. But I will have the opportunity to seek out the answers I am looking for. When privately discussed with friends, not one has stated they feel I should stay. They all feel that I should move on. I usually don't depend on my friends to make my decisions, but I did find it unsettling that no one pushed for me to stay. There have been students (mostly lower ranks) to leave, and numbers are down in relation to the size of the school. I do believe it has affected the school as a business. I don't see the school closing. This will not be an easy decision. I will keep you posted in the coming months on my decision.
  7. First off, hello everyone! I am new to the boards, and look forward to joining in on all the fun here! I am seeking advice as well. If you had been part of a small school for a couple of years and the instructor was involved in some controversy, would you continue to train under him? I should say that the instructor was not involved in anything illegal. I understand but do not fully agree on these particular actions that have caused the controversy. The reason I even question if I should change schools is because of all of the negative response surrounding this situation. The negativity is stressful, as many of my friends are aware of where I train, and this controversy is public knowledge. Most friends do not agree with the actions taken by my instructor. Or do I stay? I have trained many hours, sacrificed time that could have been spent in other ways, to train with the best instructor in this city. I don't want to leave on bad terms, yet feel that if I explain why I am leaving, it will cause further tension. If I seek out another school, I am concerned about the possible confrontation of my current instructor, if he was to find out that I was training else where. I would have to also begin training in a different style What would you do? Would it depend on what kyu that you are currently?
  8. Hello, everyone! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a female martial artist student. I have been training in Shudokan karate for the past 2 yrs. I have found I really enjoy martial arts, and I want to learn about all styles. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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