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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan-Kodokan Judo-Boxing
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dimitris72's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Uchi mata is not easy. My top 5 would be Osoto gari Tai otoshi Koshi guruma Harai Goshi Deashi barai(foot sweep)
  2. If i had time and money for a 4th style that would be Luta Livre
  3. I train at Judo many years and i can tell you that if someone knows good ukemis should not have problem with the throws.We do at least 100 kake(throws)i my dojo every day and no one gets hurt.We also do a lot of Newaza so i dont need BJJ.One thing i dont like about most BJJ practicioners i have met is that they think that BJJ is the ultimate art and all the other arts are useless.Plus they do only newaza,they dont know much about Tachi waza.Judo is perfect for every Karateka IMO.
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