Tomorow im going to have my first lesson of kravmaga ,a system called krav maga survival which is develloping in europe, it is amix of the basic kravmaga techniques,kyokushin,muay thai ,ju jutsu and mma.
I have the same problem ,i took goju and planing to add muay thai or kickboxing, althought there is some full sparing in goju ryu call irukumi it quite similar to kyokushin but in my dojo we pratice only irikukumi ju more focused on technique than power.
i practice both art i do train judo im lucky i dont have to pay extra money for joining a bjj club, there is one in our dojo,in judo classes we take newaza seriously( ground fighting) , i joined bjj for improving my newaza for judo. After 6 month i found out that bjj and judo are exactly the same art they complement each other. If i have to advice someone between judo and jiu jutsu, i would say judo because of the throws and you will learn 80% of bjj techniques if you reach shodan.
Im 1,70 and not that flexible i like to use low kick,mae geri ,mawashi geri on the ribs,and yoko geri,and hiza geri to the plexus when im in a clinch position.