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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado Ryu
  • Location
    London - UK

Tommo-san's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Osu! Cheers folks. I've already "blitzed" the first 10 or so pages of these forums, loads of fab information and such a great resource for any enthusiast. When my knowledge increases and / or I have any other awesome experiences through karate, or any burning questions I'll post them. Assuming they've not already been covered in immense detail elsewhere!
  2. Thanks man! I'd agree with you Darksoul, I had no idea how much I'd missed it being a part of my life until I started it again. I enjoy every second of it and don't intend to let go. I'm only at the start of my journey and I look forward to and enjoy every lesson. Again, one of the best decisions I've ever made!
  3. I started 3 months ago. I'm 29. One of the best decisions I've ever made. Do it! Don't waste any more time, you'll love it.
  4. Some fantastic information in this post. In my first tournament I faced a couple of guys that loved to blitz. I scored some points by using front leg speed. Last possible moment pop up and nail them with a mae geri or yoko geri to the abs or chest. Also scored a point with a slide forwards and off angle 45 degrees and a scoring a chudan mawashi geri off the back leg. Personally I find it more difficult to fight guys that spar off the back foot!
  5. Introductions! Hello all, my name is Wayne, or "Tommo-san" I'm nearly 30 and in my childhood and my teens I studied bits and bobs of various styles including Kick Boxing, Muay Thai, Tang Soo Do, Wing Chun and when I was very, very young, Karate - of a style I can't remember. But due to moving around a lot in my youth I never settled on a style, and at about age 20, during college, I stopped doing martial arts altogether. Until about 3 months ago when I decided to take it up again at a local Wado Ryu Dojo. I have to say it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I practice twice a week in the dojo and do some work on the weekends on stretching and katas at home. I've lost 10KG's in weight in conjunction with a more disciplined diet, and am lighter, faster, stronger and more flexible than I've been since before college, and to top it all off I've made some amazing new friends. I've just passed my Yellow belt grading. My Sensei was kind enough to look at my natural ability and double grade me as I've thrown myself 100% in to learning as much as I can from the instructors and books and videos, and I had nailed and memorised the syllabus for both even though I didn't need to. I've picked up everything so quickly due to an ignited passion for the art. To top it all off, just under a month after I started lessons at my dojo, I was asked if I wanted to enter a tournament or just go along and see what it was all about, it was a gathering of 2 of the bigger schools within a couple of hours drive from where I live. So with reckless enthusiasm I entered the Kata competition with the Kata I could perform the best at that time - Pinan Nidan, And also, the sparring competition. The competitions were divided in to: "Black Belts" "Juniors" and "Everyone Else" and this was the result: http://s12.postimage.org/nz9dtcbqx/image.jpg I came first in the kata competition versus 10 other people, and first in the sparring versus another 11 of various grades from red belts to brown belts. Talk about beginners luck! So just to say hi, Karate will be a part of my life from this point onwards until I can no longer do a decent Jodan Mawashi Geri, and I look forward to scouring these forums for knowledge, help, advice and just interesting information. Cheers Tommo-san - Yellow Belt - Wado Ryu.
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