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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wado-Ryu Karate
  • Location
    Sunny England

KerouacKev's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. We are alternative rock, i know that's a bit vague but if you think along the lines of the Manic Street Preachers, Muse, Therapy? etc. then you have a rough idea what we sound like.
  2. Hey, i just formed anew band and we're really stuck for a name any suggestions would be gratefully recieved !
  3. The Wado-Ryu Club is the only club it's realistic for me to attend regularly due to where i live and lack of a car. As for buying a gun they're illegal in Britain and even if they weren't i don't think that would solve anything as i beleive they cause problems rather than solve them.
  4. There's always the three Karate Kid ones , but apart from that Ican't think of any Karate specific films. However i did watch the Shoalin Wheel of Life video the other night which was very impressive, other than that i'd also go for 'crouching tiger, hidden dragon'
  5. Dunno if he count as a movie star but Samo from Martial Law gets my vote
  6. (DISCLAIMER This might be a stupid question with an obvious answer, if so please feel free to abuse me). it's just that on Berutoron's 'what style..' survey after Shito-Ryu it says 'The Forbidden Word' and i have no idea as to what this alludes to [/b]
  7. My style is primaraily based on Wado-Ryu but its got some other stuff mixed in too
  8. Traditional Karate definatley gets my vote
  9. We wear a red top with white bottoms, which looks pretty cool with my white belt with red stripe. Yet i've noticed the orange and green belts look really crap cuz the colours clash!
  10. Cheers for your help guys, i guess it seems like something i'll just have to live with! Mind you, JerryLove's link seems pretty interesting! i just wish i looked more like this little fella then no one would mess with me
  11. This might sound weird but i get really anxious when i see anyone coming towards me in the street at night. i guess i'm scared of being attacked which is one of the main reasons i got into MA, yet it hasn't seemed to have changed anything. i think i lack self confidence, does anyone have any tips or stories about developing self estem?
  12. Hi! i've recently just got back into Martial Arts, and loving it! I practice Wado Ryu and i'm currently struggling with my first Kata Pinan Nidan (I think that's how you spell it ). Anyway I won't bore you, I was just wondering if anyone could advise me on any other cool MA sites, Wado Ryu or just general MA stuff! C Ya soon!
  13. I only have time to go once a week and its only for a one hour session , but i do tend to leap about in my kitchen quite a lot
  14. Also does anyone know where i could purchase one, cuz i've only seen them in american magazines!!
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