So I have been hearing about this Dim Mak talk and what not and I want to share somthing I learned that really helped me keep my mind at ease with this stuff. Which is Dim Mak=High level outboxing So basicly when I first started boxing I had a coach who would teach me fancy footwork, combining fients and counterpunching,teaching corkscrew,flicking a left hook,swaying back and etc... I never realy understood it, so I switch gyms since I moved houses. Anyway I go to a rinky dink boxing gym and it was Brawling after Brawling...I was confused why I sucked at it despite having a good foundation and high level training. I realized I never properly sparred which means...I never seen a boxer/brawlers present those type of dangers, after 3 months I got enough reacton time/exprience to survive them and 2 months later I started applying those high level moves on the brawlers... slowly one move at a time Moral of the story is: You can learn all the Fancy Dim Mak/high level out-boxing or any crazy style BUT first you have to master or become aware of conventional/fundemental fighting, blieve it or not on the street or the local combat scenes your only dealing with brawlers so get used to that first and learn the conventional martial arts THEN when you feel comfortable slowley apply a Dim MAK move here or a corkscrew counter there... There is a reason people dont teach Dim Mak, its because its not for the average yahoo since they wont be able to use it without a solid exprience and thus making Dim Mak look like a dingis, Also why Old school boxing coaches didnt teach fancy moves to have to become a adept at the fundementals before you recieve/earn your high level moves!