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boxingking's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Truth be told all and all its basicly building super strong fingers, I believe in chinese kung fu its called "Diamond Fingers" which ofcourse does require the practioner to build a strong forearms and wrists. But yeah the anime is martial arts fantasy that tends to exaggerate the ability of the martial artist in the series. As far as the Himokiri karate goes...I was kinda curios if some dude brached off from a popular style to promote a karate that focuses on "diamond fingers" As well as the moves you mentiond in your post!
  2. So my username is himokiri karate, the "himo" means "cord" and the "Kiri" means cutting which is the name of a karate style in the anime baki the grappler Now the author of this anime/manga is keisuke itagaki an amatur boxer and a martial artist and is known for having lots of martial arts friends in real life. Now himokiri is based on a practioner building up strength in there fingers,wrist,forearms and the method is done in this video that starts at 8:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T--iJD7qhgM Which got me wondering, Is there a guy in real life that has a Himokiri Karate? Perhaps a localy famous karate master known in the japanese karate circles who branched off from a popular karate style to find this particular style and he also happend to be friends with itagaki, the author of this anime? If you are familiar with the japanese karate scene let me know if you have heard about this particular style! Best Regards!
  3. As someone who comes from a boxing background, I cant say I have explored the martial arts world to approve or disaprove the dim mak but being the optimism and yes even gulliable person that I am I cant say I havent fantasized about the Dim Mak. Speaking of witch, the My username Himokiri Karate is from baki the grappler which is based on the urban legend of nine white bone claw and Dim Mak. The idea in fiction has been fictionalized but in real life doing finger excercise as well as wrist/forearms I have been able to hit harder without worrying about my hand and I have yet to reach that level but my Sifu who has boxing exprience is good enough to spar without hand wraps and he never gets injured! That being said going back to my original post I am an optimisc person and that nature does lead to gulliablity so I have to be aware of myself not to be seduced by work of fiction.
  4. Asking who invented martial arts is like asking who invented relationships and such. I blieve as long as humans have been around so was martial arts. i mean if you look at it people of the old age wrestled with aligators and animals and from wrestling they probably threw couple of punches and kicks to subdue the animal. ofcourse weapon was used againts prehistoric monsters and people I blieve lived in tribes so they had there own system of self-defense for there time and enviorment which is a martial art, albet the art of it might not be very evolved and artistic. But other then that the popluar answer which is the traditional sense is, ofcourse the legend of the yogi who came in to shaolin temple and we all know the rest...
  5. So I have been hearing about this Dim Mak talk and what not and I want to share somthing I learned that really helped me keep my mind at ease with this stuff. Which is Dim Mak=High level outboxing So basicly when I first started boxing I had a coach who would teach me fancy footwork, combining fients and counterpunching,teaching corkscrew,flicking a left hook,swaying back and etc... I never realy understood it, so I switch gyms since I moved houses. Anyway I go to a rinky dink boxing gym and it was Brawling after Brawling...I was confused why I sucked at it despite having a good foundation and high level training. I realized I never properly sparred which means...I never seen a boxer/brawlers present those type of dangers, after 3 months I got enough reacton time/exprience to survive them and 2 months later I started applying those high level moves on the brawlers... slowly one move at a time Moral of the story is: You can learn all the Fancy Dim Mak/high level out-boxing or any crazy style BUT first you have to master or become aware of conventional/fundemental fighting, blieve it or not on the street or the local combat scenes your only dealing with brawlers so get used to that first and learn the conventional martial arts THEN when you feel comfortable slowley apply a Dim MAK move here or a corkscrew counter there... There is a reason people dont teach Dim Mak, its because its not for the average yahoo since they wont be able to use it without a solid exprience and thus making Dim Mak look like a dingis, Also why Old school boxing coaches didnt teach fancy moves to beginners...you have to become a adept at the fundementals before you recieve/earn your high level moves!
  6. Not to sound like an arrogant turd BUT! Heres the truth! If you dont learn proper contact sparring be it boxing/kickboxing,kyokushin and hell even some street fightng Dim Mak is USELESS! Why do you ask? Well its simple, when you learn martial arts and sparring, you,me and everyone else will have bad habits such as looking down when you punch,being afriad of getting punched or kicked as well as not having the combat exrpience and calmness that comes with sparring or full contact training. You cannot just learn couple of moves and think your some bad mofo, fighting/martial arts are a two way street, one must learn to recieve before he gives(learned it from my new boxing coach). In conclusion: Dim Mak is for those who already have combat/sparring exprience,otherwise a beginner will get lost in the choas of a fight/brawl
  7. I hear what your saying! For example some mma fighters mockingly come up with "Cowboy karate" or "karate mafia" But it seems like enshin karate as well as machida karate have at least professionalism and effecitiveness to it!
  8. Shotokan,Kyokushin are the well known styles and have a rich history when it comes to there establishment. But what about the more obsecure styles... Which got me wondering about Koei-Kan Karate as well as Enshin and ashihara style karate...How did they get a life of there own? How does one simply start there own style? Do they need a blessing from the former karate instructor/style? Best Regards
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