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Sammyrai's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Actually, Judo was concieved primarily as a sport. This was how Jigori Kano created Judo in 1882. It was, is, and will remain, a sport. That does not mean however that martial uses are not there, kinda like hockey.
  2. Hi everyone. I am a tkd practitioner, and while I can handle the stand up game decently, I am looking to supplement ny training by adding some jujitsu, in hopes to become more well rounded. I decided jujitsu over judo because not too many street altercations happen in gis. Due to expenses, I will only be able to attend one school. What are the differences if any between Wally Jay's small circle jujitsu, Gracie BJJ and traditional Jujitsu? Which would compliment a striking art the best? Thanks
  3. I've had my face kicked in by one of the girls in my dojo. Do not underestimate them!
  4. How can we get the reputation of a black belt back to the awesome thing that it should be?
  5. Is it just me, or does everyone who has a black belt seem to be "challenged" by their friends? Getting a black belt is not what it once was, as many of the black belts I know are poor martial artists and even worse fighters. The problem is that the reputation of a black belt is going to pot. Have any of you been "challenged" or had your skills tested by your friends?
  6. point sparring. many of us tkd artists are told not to go full swing, (even then sometimes it really feels as if they are, your legs are just that strong!!) we dont want our sparring partner in a hospital. one of the big epmhasises (?) in my school is control. just make contact for the point, dont blast through them. you could, but in point sparring the idea is to get points, not beat the crap out of yoru opponent. whoda thunkit??!?! the kicks will work in real fights, if you use them correctly and smartly. namely dont rely on a 360 wheel kick. knees are wonderful targets.
  7. ok, i would like to point out that many of you saying that tkd is useless in a fight are also neglecting the fact that WE HAVE MORE THAN JUST HIGH KICKS. we can shatter a knee with the best of them. who do you know that will keep fighting with a busted knee? having a fast kick can end a fight fast if you kick to the groin. also, we can punch, elbow, knee. tkd is not just head level jump or spinning kicks.
  8. i think that there comes a point when graduating less than able BBs make your school, style, and master look bad
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