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Everything posted by MACHINE_MAY

  1. Hey folks, I'm new here. Just wanted to say great place you have here amd I wanted to talk some traditional MA. Well, let me start off with that I was in a streetfight last weekend against 15 members of a gang. They were some hoodlums who thought they were all Eminem and Tupac clones LOL Anyway, I've been in alot of these type situations and my Katas and Kung-Fu styles always get me through unharmed (I have a BB and a red sash). I whacked the first few punks that came my way and then their leader moved his way in. At that point I KO'ed him clean with a perfectly times right cross. I then busted into a horse stance and pulled out my nunchaku which I always carry. After seeing their leader out cold and me weilding nunchuks which I was twirling very deftly, the gang of punks told me everything was cool and that "I could go". Yeah right. No, I told them that it was THEM who were allowed to leave and if I ever saw their sorry punk asses at that section of the mall parking lot trying to start trouble I was going to fuck them up worse next time. They picked up their groggy leader and scurried off. Just wanted to share that with you guys. Anyone else have any great martial arts experiences? Without my training I never would've been able to do this without getting killed LOL Nick
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