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Everything posted by darkfighterg6g

  1. i woudnt walk in there being like i know how to punch and block give me your best black belt to fight ill beat him. first its just rude. second its stupid. third id probally make the people there mad or a good thing to do to the guy teaching you next on another thread you siad something asuot not trying to teach my self honestly thats to late already did it. i am not claiming to be good at it but its still better than nothing. but i understand your points.
  2. will it be worth it in the long run of learning it. the website says it offers self defense at the place does that mean i have a choice to choose. it says they teach olympic tkd at the local ymca and at the school[this is closer to me] practical self defense so if i go to the school they will teach self defense not tkd then
  3. 3. i gues kind of to throw kicks in and sparring time
  4. 1]how long does it take to get a black belt legitimately. 2] its olympic style tkd i think would they allow me to use my self taugh boxing strikes 3] would tkd be a good pick 4] are there any hand strikes in tkd
  5. im going to do tkd when my parents are done with taxes but since there arent many hand strikes in tkd im going to contiue teaching my self boxing which ive been doing since janurary or so. now i do have a few questions which illmpost in the coreect place
  6. in my opionion i think i can learn online so boxing/kickboxing, muay thai, or wing chin. You're wrong. You don't learn how to swim on dry land with no coach, and you don't learn how to fight without a training partner. There is no substitute for biofeedback. You can't learn to hit people without hitting people. If you want advice, you're getting it. If you want someone to validate your idea that everything many of us have spent a lifetime learning properly can be learned solo from youtube, you may need to seek a less learned crowd. but you can simulate all the aspects of a real fight[double end bag, ball tied from shoelace to celling, speed bag, punching bag and i said i could get a partner] swimming you need water. fighting can be simulated. edit whops sorry double posted You dont need a coach to learn how to swim look it up and go in the water.
  7. in my opionion i think i can learn online so boxing/kickboxing, muay thai, or wing chin.
  8. i completly understnd what your saying but i dont have the money and there is only one or two legit gyms near me[found out if they were legit on differnt fourms] and also alot of gyms are in one the most dangerous city in the united states[ i think my uncle said top 20 or so] so my option is self training[i know not the best idea better than nothing i was thinking] plus i could ocasionly spar with my brother or my cousin sometimes. i willnt have money for anything anytime soon and a job is out option. so self training, i know bad habbits, no one to critiqe me, but what if i was to be a nut about technique. and arent thete storys of okinawin[sorry if spelt wrong] karate masters being self taught. also ive read mma,boxers,etc fighters to be self taught. im not trying to be a master just basics for school fights if they ever come my way. also i read a story somewhere where a man beat like 6 guys in a fight and a kid saw him and asked him to teach him he said no so the kid secretly watched and learned the art by practicing it by himself. edit: if u could tell me a martial art for defnse in school fights that be nice, but as of now im kinda leaning toward wing chun or muay thia
  9. so whats that supposed to mean i can, i cannot learn a form of kung fu, expand apon that i dont want to wrestle so that willnt help anything and i dont have many freinds since i moved[ the freind thing is a realy long story] also does anyone have any good websites for kung fu. and any other suggestion
  10. ok so i want to learn kung fu, wing chun, or tai chi[sorry if spelt wrong]. the main problem there are no chinese martial arts school/dojos. the only thing i could find was mcdojos. so i would like to know if i could learn one of them by myself. i know i need to go to a dojo to get realy good but quite frankly that just isnt an option and i just dont see it happening any time soon what so ever. there arent any other martial arts i would want to learn. so 1. can i learn it from computer,books,etc. 2.what are some websites you would suggests. 3.which style do you think is good. also remember a dojo/gym is out of option there arent any near me and i dont see it happening any time soon. i also dont have the money as well. its not like i could give something else up for it i rarely get anything. i know this path will take longer but im willing to take it. thanks in advanced
  11. im new here hi ill get the help in a differnt thread
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