in my opionion i think i can learn online so boxing/kickboxing, muay thai, or wing chin. You're wrong. You don't learn how to swim on dry land with no coach, and you don't learn how to fight without a training partner. There is no substitute for biofeedback. You can't learn to hit people without hitting people. If you want advice, you're getting it. If you want someone to validate your idea that everything many of us have spent a lifetime learning properly can be learned solo from youtube, you may need to seek a less learned crowd. but you can simulate all the aspects of a real fight[double end bag, ball tied from shoelace to celling, speed bag, punching bag and i said i could get a partner] swimming you need water. fighting can be simulated. edit whops sorry double posted You dont need a coach to learn how to swim look it up and go in the water.