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J_stanm's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. With a bo it's always a good idea to train with something heavier than you would use in the dojo. I use a 30 pound light bench press bar when i train at home. Using a heavy bo in training makes you stronger and geerally faster. Plus, after a while you may become good with a heavy bo, which means you can bash stuff harder Well, thats what i do, it might work for you.
  2. thanks for the welcome
  3. whoops, i might be heading towards the whole old person problem thing. Wondering if punching my pullup bar supports(steel or something) to harden my knuckles will cause problems. I don't do it too often, 3 times a week max. Still, anyone have info on that?
  4. Thanks! This should help alot
  5. Hey, found this place the other night and it looks pretty cool. My name is Stan -17- and just took my first lesson in Karate(Oyama). I've got a little self-taught experience in Muay Thai and run track/C.C. Glad to find this forum, looks good.
  6. I just took my first karate lesson the other day and found out that you have to know the Japanese names for the stances and basic actions. If anyone can remind me of what they were, that would help me out alot. I'm taking the course at a Oyama Karate dojo. Any advice would be cool too. :
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