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Everything posted by BassaiNige

  1. It took me 6yrs to reach shodan and another 2 years to reach Nidan which is where I am now,this is training twice a week.
  2. Thanks to all for your kind words,can relax now it's all over,for at least 3 years!
  3. Hi all,passed my Nidan grading today at the 2nd attempt,well chuffed,and knackered!
  4. Hi all,thanks for all the good lucks on my Nidan grading,have to re-do 2 katas on next grading in December,missed out a move in enpi and chinte,I was the only one grading for Nidan so Sensei only had me to watch!.Everything else,the line work,kumite and the rest of the katas were fine,just goes to show the high standard of our association,at least when you do pass you feel that you have really worked for it.
  5. Cheers Dob i will need it!,i will let you know how i get on.Isnt that lady 83 just amazing,just goes to show!
  6. Hi Rob,29 is no way too old,i started when i was 41,8 years later i am grading for my 2nd dan,tomorrow actually,so i have been in the garden this morning going through my katas!
  7. Yes cheers Doctor,your absolutely right,and you will be there in the near future!,I will let you know how I get on.
  8. Well done Doctor,i am grading for my 2nd dan 2 weeks today,so am starting to now realise the task ahead,bearing in mind i havent graded for over two years since my shodan,as well as practising all the katas i have to do,i am also going through them in my head when i have the spare time,i have just 4 training sessions to go now ,2 this week and 2 next week and also 1 more on the morning of the grading.
  9. BassaiNige


    Hi Muttley,i know what you mean about Sochin,i am grading for my 2nd dan in three weeks time,Sochin is my chosen kata,along with various others that i will be asked to do!
  10. Hi all,my club is SSKA,Southern Shotokan Karate Association.My sensei is Stuart Cole,6th dan.
  11. Yes Ps1 i agree,Kanku dai nice kata,encompasses all the bits of the other kata,unsu is one that i have not totaly learnt yet,working on that one!
  12. I guess your pre-dan or 1st kyu was like mine where i had to do all the heian katas,and tekki shodan and of course bassai dai,i had to re-take heian godan and bassai dai again,slightly off centre stances and lack of kime think it was,but got it 2nd time.
  13. Well done doctor,get ready for the next one now!
  14. As for the nerves Doctor,whenever I was grading I always found it was like going to the dentist,the thought of it was worse,once you are there and get started its not so bad.A previous instructor of mine once said to me before a grading,just treat it like another lesson.
  15. Best of luck with your grading doctor, i remember when I just had Bassa Dai as my grade kata,got my 2nd dan coming up in October,got about 15 kata to do for that including Bassai Dai!.Let us all know how you get on tomorrow.
  16. Yes Bassai Dai nice kata too,remember when i was learning that for my 1st dan,my instructor told me that if i was not knackered after doing that kata i was not doing it properly!
  17. Hi all,just curious as to you Shotokan karateka as to your favourite kata,a couple of mine are sochin and enpi,although also like partial to kanku-dai and niju-shio.
  18. Thanks Patrick and friends,for the warm welcome!
  19. Very impressive,good stances and timing.
  20. Hi Luke,why are you moving to Shorin Ryu,any particular reason?
  21. Hi Geterdone!Yes I also have slightly better kicks on one leg than the other,more down to age with me though lol
  22. Hi the best thing is regular leg stretching,get yourself a leg stretcher,I have a basic version which I use regularly at home in between training sessions.Dont try and push yourself to much just bit at a time.
  23. Hi all,I would like to introduce myself,I am a 1st Dan in Shotokan and part time instructor,and looking forward to being part of your forum!
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