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Jerry Trimble

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Jerry Trimble's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Amen, my friend. God bless this forum. Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  2. "good things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." Abraham Lincoln God bless everyone peace. jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  3. Iamrushman and Golddragon... I do not not believe that pound for pound, Usa is the best place to be, live,grow, etc... For you it might, but for others it may not be. the best place to be is wherever you are most happy. for everyone its a different place. The world is full of great places. America just happens to be one of them. I'm sure there are many out there who would beg to differ with you. It's great having an opinion and point of view. Freedom...what a wondferful thing. "The way to final freedom is within thy SELF." God Bless the World. keep smiling everyone. Peace Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  4. excelent words Gold... thank you... peace, jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-21 16:39 ]
  5. bia lacquer... (Very nice) in Africanse. peace and God bless America and all those for freedom and justice. Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-20 20:53 ] [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-21 08:42 ]
  6. Payback's a ***** ! http://www.beyondirc.net/~whiteshadowx/movie.swf God Bless America and all Peace lovers in the world. Peace. Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  7. Check it out... http://www.beyondirc.net/~whiteshadowx/movie.swf God Bless America and all those who fight for Freedom and justice. Peace, Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-21 06:46 ]
  8. you know what pisses me off... It's that after the attack on our country, Our great AMERICAN flags that has a special meaning in our lives were selling for a couple of dollars, then another two days later went to 12.00 and now 6 days later they are 30.00 For a small american flag. Now, if a portion of their proceeds are going to the cause then great...but, if not...then deal with it. CONTRIBUTION IS THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR UNITED STATES OF AMERCIA For all of those out there as well all martial artists in the world that are trying to profit off of the trajedy of the Untied States of Amercia or any countries for that matter...shame on you...And to everyone else that attempts to profit off of any trajedy in life...payback's a *****. What goes around comes around. come together, help one another and make a difference, not use one another. Peace. Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-17 17:46 ] [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-17 22:29 ] [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-18 08:50 ]
  9. Thanks a bunch Lori, yeah, right...great board...very cool, how's it going in Canada? I see there's quite a bit of entetainment work up there, been that for a while...good for you all. are you in the E.T. biz? take care kickbutt. peace, jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  10. "Peace comes not from the absence of conflict, but from the ability to cope with it." This is a time to practice the tenants of all the martial arts and set a good example of what a martial artist really is and what the arts are all about. A time for learning, growing, helping, teaching, living and enjoying. God Bless America and all those who stand for peace, love, freedom and justice. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Peace, http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-16 21:25 ]
  11. hey everyone, thank you very much for the warm welcome, i've been only looking around at certain posts here, I'm still trying to find my way around. it's nice to have such a nice welcome, i am greatful...thank you one and all. This is one of the best if not the best message board, i've seen...the design, variety of posts, moderators, etc. keep up the great work. Take care all...God bless. peace, Jerry [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-06 17:54 ]
  12. Iamrushman, Great question... 1. motto---"Rule to live by" tough one to answer quickly...the tenants and then some, it could take a while to answer, in a nut shell "USE COMMON SENSE IN EVERYTHING YOU DO." 2. If you open a TKD school what techniques would you use? well I would not categorize my school as a TKD school, but use and teach my experience, a.k.a whatever works. 3. age? I would not turn anyone down who has the capabilities and desire to learn. In my 27 plus years of teaching, training and fighting, i have taught as young as 2 and as old as 75 plus. 4. Belt colors/ stages...Hmmn...??? i'de have to think about that for a while, even though belts don't mean a thing, today... as an owner and instructor...you have to recognize the levels of students in a school when the numbers are high to know who learns what and where everyone is as well as giving students goals in their training, which is very important in all aspects of life. 5. an organization? probably not, but you never know..it all depends on their morals and beliefs. haven't found one that has set aside their ego to make a difference. of course my beiliefs and thoughts of the martial art and what they can offer to society as well as bring about the concepts of changes in the world are different than most...but that's me. when i talk about ego and letting it go as an artist... I once had the biggest ego in the arts... fighting in and out of the ring; World champion status and all the trouble that goes along with egotism. now as i've grown up a bit and still growing... i see differently and what the martial arts is truley all about; so, now i TRY and live LIFE as it was meant to live with everything i've learned and learn from my mistakes. I believe that the majority of martial artists in the world today have to first release the ego in order to experience the true benefits of the martial arts and life. Enjoy the Journey... peace, jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-04 18:02 ] [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-04 21:45 ]
  13. Years ago in our TKD school in Newport Kentucky, we also had our Student Oath... I shall observe the tenants of Taekwon-do, I shall respect instructors and seniors, I shall never misuse taekwon-do, I will be a champion of freedom and justice, I will strive to build a more peaceful world. Peace, Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv
  14. Does anyone know them? the TENANTS of TKD a.k.a concepts of TKD. It seems that this part of TKD is the most important part that is never really discussed. Does every TKD stylists know what they are? do you practice them? are you a true martial artists. ah...let's look inside...and learn. what about some examples from the TKD artists of this forum on the usage of using these concepts of Taekwon-Do. tenants that have made TKD the great art that it is today and has been for centuries. it will take some effort on the cerebral part. if you have no example simple move on to the next post and talk about kicking someone's ass or something physical or maybe judging a matial artists age 5 to 75 that you don't even know. let's talk serious for a change... I know it's hard for most people to talk about the arts without using their ego or violence...but let's try. "To Win is to try and Succeed, To learn is to try and fail, to lose is to not try at all." Peace, Good luck everyone, Jerry http://www.jerrytrimble.tv [ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-08-23 08:46 ]
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