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Everything posted by KungFuGrappler

  1. attention ha ha funny the things youll write when youre tired intention!!!!!!!! sorry
  2. I'm a Christian. That's funny Ti-Kwon-Leap, it always seemed to me that agnostics had no proof for their view. I don't intend to make anyone angry, though. Can anyone prove that there is no God? No. There is much scientific evidence that there was a flood 4,000 years ago though. Israel has become a nation just as was prophesied. Babylon, Media and Persia, Greece, and Rome were all prophesied to be the ruling nations before there time. Please, don't anyone use murders and the poor condition to prove there is no God, because that is just what the Bible said whould happen. It's funny how some agnostics claim the Earth to be millions of years old. Does anyone realize we are getting closer and closer to the sun. That's why some people are concerned about what they call global warming. If the Earth is millions of years old than there is no way that any life could have survived within the last at least 20,000 years(very conservative) Everything would have been ice. Jesus Christ died for everyone. All you have to do is accept what He already did. Just like takeing a free gift. Yeah, it's faith. But, so is anything else. One thing I know is that my life has been better because of JC. If you disagree, that's cool. It's not my attention in any way to force anything on anyone. I'd just like you to just be open. Well take care. I usally never write post this long. It's funny as much as some people are on here, they must never get to train or have way better jobs than I do. The latter is highly possible.
  3. Jesus died for everyone. All anyone has to do is accept that free gift. If you don't believe in Jesus, well, then you don't. I can't and wouldn't force you to. It is your free will. Jesus is the answer to any problem you've had.
  4. It is definately mainly the fighter. I was reading on the Bushido site, where the video came from, that the ufc has showed us alot about which is the better arts. NO!!! I little bit yes. But, until there is trully no rules, I don't want to here about it. If you cant tear someones balls out, poke their eyes out, do anything at all to the neck and even elbow to the face or back of neck. I enjoy grappling, I enjoy full contact, its hard but I enjoy it. It does help train for a real fight. But those rules definately make a huge difference. As far as the fight on the tape, so what you could find white belts in tkd who would whip some bjj. Grappleing is huge, it does make a difference, but the rules are also huge. I understand, though there is no way u could have a league where there was no rules. It wouldn't be right and it would be hard to find willing qualified fighters.
  5. Chuck is the real deal even if he is a sorry actor. He is the highest ranking westener in the real tkd(Korean sanctioned). He also holds a black belt in Tang Soo do and is very high up in Judo. He has studdied with Gene Lebell, Bruce Lee, Machados, and the Gracies. Chuck is a true Martial Artist, not too mention 7-time undefeated world champ before point-sparring becames so touchy. As far as whoop- tail goes, there is also no doubt that guys like jackie chan, jet li, and Sammo would all be pretty rough to handle. Hey Bruce was the man.
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