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Everything posted by HungKuen

  1. Weight training is essential for all martial artists that want to get better. Lifts that use your whole body as one unit are better than isolated movements. Strength carries over to all areas of your life, and don't let people tell you that you'll become slow if you bulk up.
  2. Proper body alignment can be noticed right away when hitting a heavy bag, focus mitts etc...I don't think it necessary to hold stance for an extended period in order to see glitches. Besides, prolonged static stance training will fatigue the person and this fatigue will cause them to go out of alignment.
  3. If you're trying out a new style then i agree on emptying your cup, but i have found that it is really hard to do especially if you've done one style for a long time. I once tried Muay Thai for a month while i was off kung fu and old habits die hard. I can't recall how many times i was asked to raise up on the ball of my foot when doing the roundhouse and front kick.
  4. This comes up quite often when someone practises a martial art. Often times tradition is placed ahead of progress in order to make something "more authentic". You have to look at the purpose of these traditions and ask yourself if it detracts from your learning of the art. My old kung fu school had us bow before and after class, which i assume many schools do. I never understood the whole bowing mentality as i think respect is shown in a number of other ways. But it didn't affect my learning so i didn't mind doing it. Then when we are asked to hold horse stance for 30 min i would ask why? There has to be more useful ways in building your stance because you're not going to be in that stance in a prolonged period of time. Sometimes it's good to keep traditions and sometimes it needs to evolve. I think i may have repeating what others have said but what the heck
  5. I find that trying to use tech A to counter tech B too limiting. Try to work on your strategy first instead of worrying about, if he throws this i have to do this, type of thinking. I don't know how the ridge hande is thrown but correct me if i'm wrong, it's a wide tech meaning it comes from the outside in a sweeping motion? Usually these techniques are secondary techs that need a set up to distract the opponent and open them up. When you're sparring try to engage your head movement and body movement. This will make it harder for your opponent to get a read on you.
  6. I'll participate as much as my limited knowledge will allow, hopefully learn what others from different styles altogether are doing. Not sure i've heard of that 1600 movement form you're talking about, there are many lines of hung gar and not all do the same thing.
  7. Hi all, A little background info so you all know something about me. been practising hung gar kung fu for a few years and really enjoy it. Thought i would sign up on this board as i see you guys have a CMA section aswell and thought it would be good to share and discuss outside of the chinese MA once in while to have a different take on things. I love kung fu and sharing and feel we can all learn from each other regardless of style. Hope i can contribute the little that i have and make friends along the way. Peace!!
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