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Everything posted by Makaala4

  1. When I was living in Hawaii, used to follow all da Hawaiians back in da day...Akebono, Musashimaru, and Konoshiki. Konoshiki was my favorite although I dont think he ever made Yokozuna.
  2. Liver Punch: Leaning towards Judo myself. My son and I should be starting the same time as you in June, as the Wrestling and school year is finished the end of May. Keep us busy over the summer...Karate Tues and Thurs, Judo on Wed and Fri.
  3. All time favorite MA movies: ALL Bruce Lee movies Legend of Drunken Master Ong Bak Kung Fu Hustle IP Man Shogun Assassin
  4. MasterPain: I know where you are coming from. I love training w/my son. My 7 y/o daughter also trains w/us. Its the best feeling as a father to be training w/them. My son has always been one of the smaller guys in his class (thanks to me and my Filipino blood). He probably would have been of average size if we had stayed in Hawaii w/all the Asians there, but here in the mainland he has always been the smallest guy in class, and I think his success in wrestling (competing against kids his own size and weight) has boosted his confidence.
  5. *** My bad guys...my first post here, and I mess up on the title. Corrected the title, I did mean Judo or BJJ.***
  6. This is true, but the only year round wrestling club is in Orlando, FL, which is a 50-60 mile/one hr drive from where I live...
  7. Thanks for the info guys. UeshiroKarate: I was just looking for opinions as to which art would be better to help my son w/his wrestling. Would you happen to be in Brevard County, FL? My son and I are taking Ueshiro Shorin Ryu Karate here in Brevard County.
  8. My 10 year son is currently wrestling his second season. I'm a proud father as he just got a 2nd place in a tournament this past Saturday, and in his first year last year, he got 1 gold, 2 silvers, and 1 bronze in 4 tournaments. For all you wrestlers out there who have done Judo and/or BJJ, what art would be best for him? I have taken a couple "stand up" arts in the past, but I have never taken any of these arts. We are both taking Shorin Ryu Karate now, but when wrestling season is done, wanted to sign him up for Judo or BJJ. I know some basics and pros and cons: Judo good for the stand up, but you dont wear gi's in wrestling to help with your throws/take downs...BJJ good on the ground, but a lot of the instruction is from the back and a wrestler should never be on his back. Dont want to come off as one of those jerk fathers who pushes their son, of course I will take him out of something if his grades ever go down, or if I feel hes ever getting burnt out...but for now, he is enjoying both Karate and wrestling and he is doing well in school. Thanks for any info guys.
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