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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan 2nd Kyu
  • Location
    Athens, Greece
  • Interests
    Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    Mech. Engineer
  • Website

JohnnyB's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. If it helps I start pivoting my (slightly bent) supporting leg just a split second before I lift my kicking foot. It works well because it gives you a solid base to execute the kick with confidence. That's for situations that you lack momentum and its a beginners aid that should be avoided later on since it gives away intention to your opponent.
  2. Hi guys its been some time since my last visit. I've been following the news and wanted to ask if anyone knows about Kumite rules in the next Olympics. Will there be an effort to differentiate them from TKD? I really want Karate to get more exposure but in a way it will not degrade it further than existing Sports Karate has made it look today. If it was up to me I'd make it into full contact point sparring with minimal protection like mouth piece, mma gloves and groin cup. Competition Kata should have been left out imho. While Kata is integral in Karate Do it has no place in competition and I have a strong opinion on this formed after reading 'Kata: The Folk Dances of Shotokan' by Rob Redmond.
  3. At 3rd Kyu I'm paying 55 euros/month having 3 classes per week.
  4. Martial Arts is a great cure for that. At the very least it worked for me. Yeah, the Martial Arts forces you to learn patience.yeah... training an hour and a half training in the summer under 40C without a sip of water definitely builds up patience! OSU
  5. From what I was told by the Sensei, Kata is practiced so that the Karateka goes up through the ranks but the emphasis of the dojo is kumite. The Sensei has multiple world and european gold medals in Kumite and his dojo students compete in kumite as well. He is in olympic shape and all the students in class are in decent shape. In this dojo the average overweight person would have difficulty to cope with. Nothing is impossible of course BUT it needs willpower and motivation.
  6. Hi guys its been some time since I wrote. I found and joined a new dojo that focuses entirely on kumite and I trained there 2 times already. They use sparring gear and go free sparring (jiyu kumite) from white belt to black belt. Kata training exists but only for passing exams. The training is always very intense and always 1.5hour long. Pretty much exactly the opposite that I was getting in my old dojo. This is a big change for me and I am very happy about it. I was troubled about my karate training ever since I got 6th Kyu.
  7. I don't see why Belt embroidery must be exclusive to Black Belts. Rank is Rank and Names are Names. Different things that should not be mixed in any kind of pride show. Engraving Katakana or Kanji to your belt doesn't change anything regarding your rank and status in your dojo. Its still a coloured belt of a particular rank with nothing more than fancy engravings that 95% of us cannot even read anyway.
  8. 1.) Biker Boots. Designed to protect your feet, not very heavy, waterproof and with some flexibility, making it an ideal choice for motorcyclists that lack the protection a car usually provides against outsiders. 2.) Low Top Leather Sneakers. The lighest, comfiest and most flexible shoe you can get but lacks the extra weight that will help you deliver a knockout kick. If you are a power kicker then disregard the shoe weight. 3.) Military/Trecking Boots. Not a very good choice for a Martial Artist. Very heavy, quite bulky and very rigid. It will make your feet full of calluses! Sec... u already have calluses from your dojo. Nevermind... 4.) Slippers! The absolute minimum of shoeware. They keep your feet away from dirt and keep your feet dry in hot summer days. Easily ditchable before the fight. Just make sure to find them after... 5.) Formal Shoes. For those formal occasions that did not end up well... Light, shiny and durable and only more comfy than female stilletoes. 6.) Stilletoes. Imagine throwing a roundhouse kick with a sharp stick in the end of your foot? Now imagine that fragile stick from your supporting leg rapture and break in the middle of your kick. Stilletoes, not for kicking. Women can barely walk with these tortures not kick...
  9. Attendind a week of Kyokushin classes would give you a hands on approach to what you are seeking!
  10. Shotokai is considered 'soft' style because they were following Gichin Funakoshi's disapproval of free sparring (jiyu kumite), while the JKA favored it on top of everything else.
  11. Definitely yes! I have only a few months experience in Judo and I am planning to seek out more when i get a higher rank in Shotokan.
  12. Huge grats to your Karatekas i'm sure they deserved the promotions in full! Did you have them do free sparring in the grading? Did they perform to your standard? Last time i witnessed free sparring was in Nidan Grading in our SKIF system. It was 2-3mins fights without any protection and both combatants were going full contact but it was hardly escalating because of the sensei refereeing.
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